
Where is Jesus born?

Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem. 


Why did the Anti-Nephi-Lehies lay down their weapons of war? If you were one of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies, what thoughts and feelings might you have had at this time? 

Alma 23:6–7

The covenanted with the Lord that they would not fight against Him or their brethren. They became a righteous people.


Since the Lord already knows our sins, why is it important that we confess them to Him? How will it bless our lives?

Mosiah 26:29

It helps us to be accountable for our actions, increases our humility, and strengthens personal relationships with the Lord as we ask for and receive forgiveness.


What do we need to build our spiritual foundations on? What are some challenges or issues that might shake a person’s faith or spiritual foundation? 

Helaman 5:12

We need to build our spiritual foundations on the rock of our redeemer.


What is it that elders, who serve for two years, burn to commemorate the one-year mark of their mission?

White shirts are burnt on the one-year mark.


What was the name of the river Jesus was baptized in?

The Jordan


In what ways was the Lord merciful to the people of Ammonihah? Why is this important for us to remember in our day?

Alma 9:20–25

All things were made known unto them according to their desires. They were visited by the Spirit of God, the spirit of revelation, and given many gifts. They were delivered out of the land of Jerusalem, saved from famine, sickness, etc.


What reasons did the sons of Mosiah have for sharing the gospel with the Lamanites? Why might these be motivating reasons to share the gospel?

Mosiah 28:1–5

They wanted salvation to be declared to everyone and preach the word of God. That there should be no more contentions in all the land which the Lord their God had given them.


How did Aminadab help those in the prison understand how to have darkness removed? What are some other ways we might experience darkness in our lives? 

Helaman 5:35–41

He told them to repent, and cry unto God, until they have faith in Christ.


Where did most events in the Book of Mormon take place?

The Americas


Why do you think the Savior would refer to Himself as the true bread from heaven or the bread of life?

He can satisfy our spiritual hunger and thirst. With Him we will live again eternally and never thirst or hunger again.


How did Zeezrom exercise faith in Jesus Christ both before and after he was healed? How can we exercise faith in Jesus Christ in the same manner?

Alma 15:4–12

He had faith and asked that Alma and Amulek heal him. He was healed according to his faith. He was then baptized and began to also preach the word of God to the people.


What are some of the sins that Noah and his people made? In what ways do the choices Noah and his people make compare with people’s choices today?

Mosiah 11:14–19

They walked after the desire of their hearts with riches, violence, boasting, concubines, and sins. 


Why do you think people who are prosperous sometimes forget the Lord? What can we do that will help us remember the Lord?

Helaman 11:34–38

They grew stronger in their pride and wickedness, turning away from the Lord to follow their own worldly desire. 


When was the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially formed?

April 6, 1830


What do you know about the meaning of the title Christ?

The Hebrew word for Christ is Messiah. Messiah is an Aramaic word meaning the anointed. It denotes the King and Deliverer whose coming the Jews were eagerly expecting. In


What were some of Korihor’s false teachings? How confident do you feel in your ability to recognize false teachings that could “entice” and “ensnare” you?

Alma 30:12–18

Prophecies were foolish, there is no such things as crime, man can't know any of what is to come, we can't know of Christ, no atonement, no resurrection, etc.


What did Alma teach about the Savior after hearing Abinadi’s testimony? Why do you think Alma chose to teach what he did in these verses?

Mosiah 18:1–7

Alma taught of the resurrection of the dead, and the redemption of the people through the power, sufferings, death, and resurrection of Christ.


Why did God command Samuel to prophesy of the signs of the Savior? How do you think witnessing the signs given by Samuel to announce the birth and death of Jesus Christ would have affected you? 

Helaman 14:12

Knowing signs God has given can affirm our belief in Jesus Christ.


What was the first temple built outside of the United States?

The Cardston Temple


How does Jesus Christ treat those that are lost? How can we do the same?

Matthew 18:11–14  

Jesus goes after them. He does everything in His power to save them. 


What is the purpose of the Title of Liberty? What things in our day act the same as this Title of Liberty? Compare the Title of Liberty to the Armor of God.

Alma 46:12–22

The Title of Liberty was a banner used to inspire the Nephites to defend their religion, freedom, peace, and families. General Conference talks are an example of Titles of Liberties of our day.


What life would be like had Jesus Christ not fulfilled His role as our Redeemer? How would that change how you live?

Mosiah 16:4–7  

Mankind would perish. We would be endlessly lost and never redeemed. We would be consumed by sin and never resurrected.


What does Samuel warn the people about? How can we take his warning seriously?

Helaman 13:24–30

We are warned not to cast out the prophets. We are told not to mock them, or slay them, or persecute them.


Who mentioned Chewbacca in their general conference talk?  

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf