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Where do Blair and Serena love to eat lunch?

What is the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art?


In the movie ice age, Scrat keeps chasing what food that always seems out of his reach?

What is nuts?


In Grey's Anatomy, what is Derek's signature saying?

What is "It's a beautiful day to save lives"


In the movie How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days, the male lead and his advertising team are trying to win a pitch about ______

What is Diamonds?


In the movie The Hunger Games, what is the reaping

What is the day the tributes names are drawn? 


Which character almost got her own spinoff show? 

Who is Dorota?


Who voiced donkey in the movie Shrek?

Who is Eddie Murphy?


Finish this line in the office: Bears, Beets...

What is "Battlestar Galatica?"


When Vivian, the lead female character, returns to a boutique that had previously turned her away, what was the iconic line she delivered to the employee?

What is big mistake, HUGE?


What are the four hogwarts houses in the movie Harry Potter?

What is Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor?


How does Jenny score an invite to Blair's sleepover?

What is Serena bails out?

In the movie finding Nemo, what did Marlin tell his son not to do, but he did it anyway?

What is touch the boat?


In the hit show Friends, how many times has Ross been divorced?

What is "3 times"

In the movie 27 Dresses Jane is a bridesmaid in two weddings that are happening at the same time, and keeps going back and forth between the two. How does Jane get from one wedding to another?

What is she takes a cab?


In the Wolf of Wall Street, what is the name of Jordan Belfort's newfound company?

Stratton Oakmont


What Disney actress guest starred as Dan's crush?

Who is Hilary Duff?


The movie Inside Out tells the story of the emotions of a young girl, Riley, and does so by personifying each of her major emotions. Voiced by Amy Poehler, which is the first emotion to appear in the brain of the main human character, Riley?

What is Joy?


In the hit show suits, five years before the events in the series, who embezzles money from the firm? 

Who is Daniel Hardman?

What did Rose tell the officer her name was at the end of the Titanic?

What is "Rose Dawson"


In the movie Elf, what toy does Buddy have to test because he is "special?"

What is Jack in the Box


What is the name of Lily and Rufus's secret son?

Who is Scott?


In the movie Despicable Me, the three girls are shocked when they arrive at Gru's home, which is nothing like they expected. When Margo meets the minions, what does Gru tell them they are?

What is his cousins?

In the show Breaking Bad, what distracts Walt from absorbing the news of his cancer diagnosis? 

What is the doctor has mustard on his coat?


In the beginning of the movie The Notebook, what does Duke come to do for Allie?

What is read to her?


In the movie bridesmaids, what does Helen give Annie when she says she is starving in the bridal shop?

What is an almond?