Roll a d20
1-10: success
11-20: failure
The number of years that stuff took place during the 15th century
What animal can hold its breath underwater for the longest
Contrary to popular misconception, this is the actual tallest mountain in the world
Mount Everest
Pick somebody in the room
A famous tabletop roll playing game in which players roll dice to determine outcomes
How does an XNOR gate work
Both inputs must be equal in order for the output to be on, otherwise its off
This is the first astronomical object visited by humans
Covers more than 70% of the earth
Beat me in Connect 4
The oldest (known) myth
Average size of a star
Really tiny
While some people are born without this those who are born with this usually tend to cut it for hygiene reasons
Hair (not foreskin, ya dummies)
This country is south of South Korea
None, its ocean
The heaviest single thing (block, item, mob) in Minecraft
Cow. It has infinite milk stored inside
Place where goblins live
Nowhere, they are fake
Whenever A is true, B is always true. If A is false, what do you know about B?
True or False (explain your answer): The human body can survive without a stomach.
"Without a stomach, the process of breaking down food must begin in your mouth, in tiny amounts at a time. The small intestine then completes the job of breaking down food and extracting the nutrients. David used to only eat two large meals each day."
This is the 8th continent
Name a big number
Any number greater than 1 trillion
This mythological creature is depicted with scales, a lizard-like appearance, wings, and only two legs
The smallest positive real number
Does not exist :3
Within 10 decimal points how many solar luminosities is the sun
The number of escalators in the state of Wyoming
2 pairs or 4 total
Name a color that starts with Q
idk theres quite a few just get one