Gothic Literature
Symbolism and Allegory
Poetic Devices
Southern Gothic Literature
This is the characteristic of Gothic Literature that appears to overwhelm understanding
What is mystery?
A symbol represents the item it is, and it also represents this.
What is an event, person, object, or animal?
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers is not only an example of a tongue twister, but also an example of this poetic device.
What is alliteration?
In "A Rose for Emily," Miss Emily's house demonstrated this characteristic of Southern Gothic Literature.
What is symbols decay?
An author's use of hints or clues to indicate events that will occur later in the story is this.
What is foreshadowing?
Somnambulism is better known as this.
What is sleepwalking?
In an allegory, these three things stand for something beyond themselves.
What are characters, settings, and actions?
"I am nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody too?" (Emily Dickinson) These lines are an example of this poetic device.
What is repetition?
Southern Gothic Literature was used partially to criticize what some authors say as this.
What is moral blindness of their era?
A scene that interrupts the action of a narrative to describe events that took place at an earlier time is known as this.
What is flashback?
This characteristic of gothic literature can dredge up strong emotions, reveal things that one tries to hide, or reveal the future.
What are nightmares or dreams?
A fable is used to teach lessons about this.
What is life?
"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams.." Edgar Allan Poe This line of poetry demonstrates this poetic device.
What is internal rhyme?
In "A Rose for Emily," the character of Miss Emily demonstrated this characteristic of Southern Gothic Literature.
What is a deeply flawed character?
Restating information in your own words is known as this.
What is paraphrase?
In this element of Gothic Literature, the current generation suffers for the evil deeds of its ancestors?
What is an ancestral curse?
A parable teaches a lesson about these two things.
What are ethics and morality?
Words such as splash, buzz, murmur, whisper, and rustle demonstrate this poetic device.
What is onomatopoeia?
Some problems that are not unique to the South but strongly influenced its culture are racism, poverty, and this.
What is a strong sense of identity?
Similar sounds that occur at the end of two or more words at the end of two or more lines of poetry is known as this.
What is end rhyme?
In Gothic Literature, if a character cannot escape from his or her situation, it is known as this characteristic of the genre.
What is entrapment or imprisonment?
Allegories are intended to teach a lesson or make a comment about these two things?
What are goodness and depravity?
These examples are words or phrases that appeal to one of the senses.
What is imagery?
Two themes in Southern Gothic Literature is a struggle between the Old South and the New South and this.
What is resistance to change?
Excitement, tension, or uncertainty about the outcome of a story that the reader feels is known as this.
What is suspense?