Foundational Values
Power Limit
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Judeo-Christian belief that , beyond the framework of human laws, there exists a universal set of moral principles that can be applied to any culture or system of justice

natural law


The principle that government is based on clear and fairly enforced laws and that no one is above the law

Rule of Law

Role of the president as supreme leader of the military forces of the United States and of the state National Guard units when they are called into federal service

Commander in Chief


This president established several precedents including the title 'Mr. President', enforcing national law, and stepping down after two terms.

George Washington

Identify a way that the Judicial Branch can limit the power of the president.

Declaring an executive order made by the president 'unconstitutional'.


An agreement between a society and government, where the people agree to give up some of their rights in exchange for order and tranquility

Social Contract Theory


A form of limited government where the actions and powers of the government are outlined and limited by a formal written document



Role of the president as the CEO of the country, appointing and managing officials, signing Executive Orders

Chief Executive


This "Champion of the People" believed in pushing back against Congress and advocating for the common person largely by greatly exercising his Presidential veto power

Andrew Jackson


Even though the president serves as the head of the military, he does not have this power, which is retained (held onto) by Congress.

Power to declare war


The idea by Jean-Jacques Rousseau that for a government formed by a social contract to have legitimacy, it must be based on the general will of the people

popular sovereignty


The idea originally conceived by Baron de Montesquieu that the powers of government should be split between two or more strongly independent branches to prevent any one person or group from gaining too much power

Separation of Powers


Role of the president in which he/she sets policy agenda for Congress in the State of the Union Address; proposes legislation; can call Congress into special session; can veto bills

Chief Policymaker


This President greatly increased the use of the "Bully Pulpit" or the public platform the president has to share his own opinions and ideas on important issues with the public.

Theodore Roosevelt


Identify a way the legislative branch can limit the power of the president.

- Approve Supreme Court Justices appointed by the president

- Approve Ambassadors appointed by the president

- Power of the Purse: sets the budget for getting things done

- Impeachment and removal

- Oversight and investigations


Ancient civilization that gave us the concept of 'republicanism' or representative democracy



A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

Checks and Balances


The president lighting the national Christmas tree would be an example of which presidential role?

Chief of State


Franklin Delano Roosevelt revolutionized the way that presidents communicate to their constituents with these friendly, understandable radio broadcasts

Fireside Chats


When Congress passes a law the president can reject it with this presidential power.



Name an English document that gave the United States some of our foundational democratic beliefs

Options that could work include ...

- the Magna Carta

- English Bill of Rights

- Petition of Right


This document limits the power of the US Government by listing natural freedoms we have as citizens that the government cannot take away.

Bill of Rights


Which of the president's Executive Departments would most likely be responsible for monitoring and provide security with U.S. borders?

Department of Homeland Security


Abraham Lincoln is responsible for issuing this document, freeing all slaves in spite of much of the country being against it.

Emancipation Proclamation


The President cannot appoint a Supreme Court judge or sign a national treaty without the approval of this part of Congress

The Senate