Foundations of American Government
U.S. Constitution and Federalism
Ohio Government and Civic Participation
Judicial Branch
Ohio History and State Symbols

Which principle of American government divides power among different branches to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful?

  • A) Federalism
  • B) Separation of Powers
  • C) Checks and Balances
  • D) Popular Sovereignty
  • B) Separation of Powers

Which article of the U.S. Constitution outlines the powers and structure of the legislative branch?

  • A) Article I
  • B) Article II
  • C) Article III
  • D) Article IV
  • A) Article I

What is the primary responsibility of the Ohio General Assembly?

  • A) Enforcing laws
  • B) Making laws for the state of Ohio
  • C) Interpreting laws
  • D) Administering elections
  • B) Making laws for the state of Ohio

What is the main responsibility of the judicial branch in the United States?

  • A) To enforce laws
  • B) To make laws
  • C) To interpret laws
  • D) To administer elections
  • C) To interpret laws

What is the official state bird of Ohio?

  • A) Northern cardinal
  • B) American robin
  • C) Bald eagle
  • D) Blue jay
  • A) Northern cardinal

What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?

  • A) To promote the Anti-Federalist position
  • B) To criticize the Articles of Confederation
  • C) To advocate for the ratification of the Constitution
  • D) To support the independence of the American colonies

C) To advocate for the ratification of the Constitution


What is the main purpose of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution?

  • A) To outline the powers of the federal government
  • B) To establish the structure of the executive branch
  • C) To protect individual liberties and limit the power of the government
  • D) To define the roles of the states in the federal system
  • C) To protect individual liberties and limit the power of the government

Who is the head of the executive branch in Ohio?

  • A) Governor
  • B) Lieutenant Governor
  • C) Secretary of State
  • D) Attorney General
  • A) Governor

What is judicial review, and which landmark case established this principle in the United States?

  • A) The power of the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution; established in Marbury v. Madison
  • B) The power of Congress to pass laws; established in Gibbons v. Ogden
  • C) The power of the President to veto laws; established in McCulloch v. Maryland
  • D) The power of states to regulate interstate commerce; established in Plessy v. Ferguson
  • A) The power of the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution; established in Marbury v. Madison

Which river forms part of the southern border of Ohio?

  • A) Ohio River
  • B) Mississippi River
  • C) Missouri River
  • D) Tennessee River
  • A) Ohio River

What Enlightenment philosopher greatly influenced the Founding Fathers' ideas on government, advocating for natural rights and social contract theory?

  • A) John Locke
  • B) Karl Marx
  • C) Thomas Hobbes
  • D) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • A) John Locke


Which principle of the U.S. Constitution states that the people are the ultimate source of governmental power?

  • A) Federalism
  • B) Separation of Powers
  • C) Popular Sovereignty
  • D) Checks and Balances
  • C) Popular Sovereignty

What is the role of the Ohio Supreme Court?

  • A) To hear appeals from lower state courts
  • B) To interpret the U.S. Constitution
  • C) To make laws for the state of Ohio
  • D) To administer elections
  • A) To hear appeals from lower state courts

What is the term length for a federal judge, including Supreme Court justices?

  • A) 2 years
  • B) 4 years
  • C) 6 years
  • D) Life tenure
  • D) Life tenure

Where is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame located in Ohio?

  • A) Cincinnati
  • B) Cleveland
  • C) Columbus
  • D) Dayton
  • B) Cleveland

What document outlined the grievances of the American colonists against King George III and asserted their right to self-governance?

  • A) Mayflower Compact
  • B) Declaration of Independence
  • C) Articles of Confederation
  • D) Magna Carta

B) Declaration of Independence


What is federalism?

  • A) The division of power between the national and state governments
  • B) The concentration of power in the hands of a single ruler
  • C) The separation of powers among different branches of government
  • D) The process of amending the Constitution
  • A) The division of power between the national and state governments

What is the purpose of local government in Ohio?

  • A) To enforce federal laws within state jurisdiction
  • B) To administer state elections by each county in Ohio
  • C) To provide services to residents within a specific geographic area
  • D) To make laws for the state of Ohio
  • C) To provide services to residents within a specific geographic area

What is the significance of the Miranda v. Arizona case in U.S. legal history?

  • A) It established the principle of judicial review
  • B) It guaranteed the right to a speedy trial
  • C) It established the exclusionary rule for improperly obtained evidence
  • D) It required police to inform suspects of their rights before questioning

c) It required police to inform suspects of their rights before questioning


Which U.S. president hailed from Ohio?

  • A) Abraham Lincoln
  • B) Thomas Jefferson
  • C) William McKinley
  • D) Theodore Roosevelt
  • C) William McKinley

Which event led to the convening of the Constitutional Convention in 1787?

  • A) Shays' Rebellion
  • B) Boston Tea Party
  • C) Lexington and Concord
  • D) Stamp Act Congress

A) Shays' Rebellion


What is the process for amending the U.S. Constitution?

  • A) Proposal by Congress, ratification by state legislatures or conventions
  • B) Proposal by state legislatures, ratification by Congress
  • C) Proposal by the President, ratification by Congress
  • D) Proposal by the Supreme Court, ratification by the states
  • A) Proposal by Congress, ratification by state legislatures or conventions

What is a primary way for citizens to participate in their local government in Ohio?

  • A) Voting in national elections
  • B) Serving on juries
  • C) Attending town hall meetings
  • D) Running for federal office

C) Attending town hall meetings


What is the role of appellate courts in the judicial system?

  • A) To hear cases for the first time
  • B) To review decisions made by lower courts
  • C) To conduct trials and issue verdicts
  • D) To enforce laws and regulations
  • B) To review decisions made by lower courts

The First Professional Football game was played in Ohio on October 3rd, 1920. What was the name of the home team?

A)Cleveland Browns

B) Cleveland Colts

C) Columbus Colts

D) Dayton Triangles

D) Dayton Triangles