What type of government does Israel have?
What is Parliamentary Democracy
What type of government does Turkey have?
What is a Presidential Republic.
What type of government does Saudi Arabia have? (SA)
What is Absolute Monarchy?
Does Israel have a written constitution?
What is NO.
Does Turkey have an constitution?
What is yes?
Does Saudi Arabia have a constitution?
What is NO.
What are some ways to become a citizen in Israel?
What are:
Having a Jewish mother.
Converting to Judaism.
Does Turkey follow Sharia laws?
What is NO?
Does Saudi Arabia follow Sharia laws?
What is YES.
In Israel, what is the legislative body called?
What is Knesset?
In Turkey, what is their legislative body named?
What is Grand National Assembly?
In Saudi Arabia, what is the legislative body called?
What is Consultative Council?
How many members do the Knesset have & how long are their terms.
What is 12 members & 4 yr terms.
How many members do the Grand National Assembly have & how long are their terms?
What is 550 members, & serve 4 yr terms.
How many members does the Consultation Council have & how long are their terms.
What is 150 members & serve 4 yr terms?