Foundations of Government
Types of Government
Documents, Documents, Documents
US History (Short and Sweet)
Articles and the Constitution

The first example of a Republic in which the people were represented by senators was found in this Latin civilization.

What is Rome?


This type of government once existed in the nation of South Africa in which the power of government had been limited to a minority of the people.

What is an Oligarchy?


In 1215 this document granted the nobles of England minor protections from the King's authority

What is the Magna Carta?


The US colonies were originally established by this European power, which influenced the governing tradition of the US as well.

What is England or Great Britain?


According to the Articles of Confederation the responsibility of making money fell to this political body.

What are the States?


The City State of Athens was among the world's first Democracy, however only these residents were allowed to vote.

What are Citizens or Male Citizens?


A Confederacy describes a loose union of states which retain their authority or this other word meaning the same.

What is Sovereignty?


This document from 1689 was a major influence on the US and established the power of the English Parliament

What is the English Bill of Rights?

This represents one of the chief reasons why the colonists began to feel estranged from England and started to desire independence.
What is Taxation without Representation?

This first plan put forward when drafting the Constitution favored states with large populations and proposed a bicameral legislature. 

What is the Virgina Plan?


This philosopher believed that people could no coexist without violence and proposed that a government must control the population.

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


A government based on Popular Sovereignty; this form of government involves direct participation by the people as decision makers.

What is a Democracy?


The purpose of this document was to aid its authors in establishing a new "Civil Body Politick" in the form of a social contract

What is the Mayflower Compact?


The Articles of Confederation failed to prevent and then struggled to stop this key event in 1787. Proving its weakness.

What is Shay's Rebellion?


The Constitution also bears this title....making in the highest authority in the US.

What is the Supreme Law of the Land?


Charles Louis de Montesquieu believed that dividing the power of government into a legislative, executive and judicial branch based on these three categories or powers regarding law was important to stop tyranny.

What are the powers to Make, Enforce, and Interpret Laws?


A government in which the government controls all aspects of the citizens and the nations.

What is a Totalitarian Government?


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them..... are the famous first words of this US document

What is the Declaration of Independence?


The 55 delegates that formed to revise the Articles of Confederation met in this historic US city.

What is Philadelphia? 


Like the Constitution the Articles of Confederation also entrusted this important power to the Congress alone instead of the States.

What is Foreign Trade/Treaties or the Power to Declare War?


An institution which represents the ideals of the people within a nation describes this idea which exist in almost all natural societies.

What is Government?


This other name for a Republic means the same thing in which a government based on popular sovereignty elects representatives.

What is a Representative Democracy?


Article II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this ........... expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. 

This represents the second law of this US document.

What are the Articles of Confederation


One of King George III's and Parliament's main reasons for taxing the colonies was to pay the debt gained during this event.

What is the French and Indian or Seven Years War?

500 Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this.......

This quote begins with the phrase ______ ___ _____ and ends with the word ______________

What is "We the People" and "Constitution"?