2012 marked a commemorative year for this significant event in Canada's history and for the anishinabek nation.
What is War of 1812?
Analysis paraysis. Flip flopping. Emotional based outcomes that are reversed after. Not based on facts but on assumptions.
What can be examples of weak decision making?
The document that records the regular meeting activities of BIEA members.
What are Committee minutes?
The movement that began by 4 women in the western provinces.
What is Idle no More?
This foundation was created over a decade ago to serve the Temagami region – permanent residents, seasonal cottagers and the First Nation - and has given grants totaling some $200,000 to scores of groups, organizations and projects around the Township.
What is the TCF - the Temagami Community Foundation?
This is a practice done each usually done each season to cleanse the body, self-reflection and direction from 1 to 7 days.
What is a fast?
These roles include planning, decision making, financial responsibility, advocacy and reporting and leadership. A term of reference will also typically by provided.
What is Committee Goverance?
You will determine your goals, outcomes, activities, measures/targets, and results when completing this regularly which should happen ideally, once a year.
What is the strategic planning cycle?
This new legislation affecting education for First Nations is currently in the limelight. Many FN communties are outraged, saying the proposed Act targets Kindergarten through Grade 12 on reserve education and is “focused on creating and defining system standards and structures that are more comparable to provincial standards and structures and defining funding mechanisms.” Many First Nations argue this approach would be a step away from long-standing commitment to advancing a more culturally-based education curriculum and system.
What is the First Nations Education Act?
Temagami First Nation’s Good Governance Plan
was ratified at a Community meeting held on this date.
What is March 26, 2012?
This clan carries leadership for external affairs of the community.
What is the crane clan?
Internally, you examine organizational strengths and weaknesses. Externally, you will examine your opportunties and threats.
What is a SWOT Analysis?
The 'big picture' direction setting process of the organization that moves the organization toward its’ desired future.
What is Board Governance?
The current leader of the Assembly of First Nations.
Who is Shawn A-in-chut Atleo?
The Tribal Constitution of September 1978 formalized the election process for the offices of Chief, Second Chief and Councillor of Temagami First Nation. What year was the Constitution revised?
What is the year 2010?
There were According to Anishinaabeg tradition, and from records of wiigwaasabak (birch bark scrolls), the people migrated from the eastern areas of North America, and from along the East Coast. This is known as our homeland.
What is turtle island?
"...strives to provide culturally appropriate, well-rounded, educational programs for all students and encourage them to become lifelong learners who attain academic excellence and life balance."
What is the BIEA Mission?
This person acts as primary link between staff and the BIEA Committee - they report on priorities, outcomes and performance of staff. They deal with the operational items on a regular basis.
Who is the Education Director/Principal? (The most senior education official)
He is filling in until Harper names a replacement for John Duncan - the recently and temporarily appointed new Federal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.
Who is Heritage Minister James Moore?
In 1988, the Ontario Minister of Natural Resources, Vince Kerrio approved the expansion of a logging road, directly through TFN territory. This prompted a series of roadblocks by the TAA in 1988-1989. What were these roadblocks known as?
What is the Red Squirrel Logging blockades?
This teaching tells us we have to take care of the earth or we will not have a home. We all share in this responsibility. We need to make sure that the earth and everything the Creator put on this earth will always be here for future generations. This is also known as living a good way of life.
What is mino bemaadziwin or seven teachings?
As part of logic model thinking, this answers the question: What problem are .....trying to solve? Plus many funders now look for this in proposals they recived. This also clearly drives and supports your vision and mission in your strategic plan.
What is a theory of change?
This is to be expected and inevitable, but many try to avoid it in our culture. But the trick is to turn this into a healthy one by letting people 'agree to disagree' in order to get business done.
What is Healthy Conflict?
This community is again in the spotlight over a dispute in diamond mining with the DeBeers company. The chief of this community was in the news consistenly during December and January.