the People have to give up something to get something is known as....
What is Social Contract?
This war was the reason why Slavery ended and the 13th Amendment was created
What is the Civil War?
This thinker believed in life, liberty, and Property. These concepts are in our declaration of independence.
Who is John Locke?
this person can appoint supreme court judges
Who is the President?
Established Judicial Review
Marbury V. Madison
The first 10 Amendments are known as the....
What is a Bill of Rights?
This took place in Massachusetts which resulted in killing 9 and injuring several others
Boston Massacre
This French thinker believed in Separation of powers and we use this today within our 3 branches of government
Who is Baron de Montesquieu?
What is Jamestown ( King James I)
Segregation was allowed during this time.
Plessy v. Ferguson
This document limited the power of the King, it was written in 1215
What is the Magna Carta?
This is what resulted in declaring independence from the British
What is the American Revolution?
we agreed that we will follow certain laws in exchange for government protection, if this doesn't happen, we have the right to revolt. Thomas Hobbes was a fan of this....
What is the social contract?
This person gave the famous quote " Ask not what can your country do for you, but what can you do for your country?"
Who is John F. Kennedy?
the 13th and 14th Amendments ultimate overturned this case with regards to citizens and slavery
Dred Scott v. Sanford
This document was written to show that the will of the people will be enforced, also known as popular sovereignty
What is the Mayflower Compact?
This was a revolt against the government from trying to take land away from farmers due to not paying taxes
Shays Rebellion
Jean Jacques- Russeau believed the idea that people were naturally good but society makes them evil.
State of Nature.
This president put an end to slavery in 1865 but was sadly assassinated.
Abraham Lincoln
This case lead to taking Japanese Americans being housed at interment camps until the end of WW2 for fear that any association with Japan was putting the U.S at risk
What is Korematsu v. United States
This put an end to the reign of the British and the United States officially became its own country
What is the Declaration of Independence
The British are coming! the British are coming! they will force themselves into your homes and there's nothing you can do about it.
Quartering Acts
This French philosopher believed in free speech, freedom of religion and separation of church and state, something that is used today.
Who is Voltaire?
This Spanish Monarch gave Christopher Columbus orders to go on exploring for gold and spices in India, Subsequently, he ended up in the Bahamas.
Queen Isabella
This case prevents law enforcement from interrogating or processing a teen under the age of 18. It also set the stage to preventing criminals under 18 from being given life in Prison or the death penalty.
Re-Gault (1967)