whats a Representative
An individual selected to represent a group with a nation (region, state, etc…)
what is Two-Thirds Majority
the amount of votes in the House and Senate needed to override the President's vetoed bill, introduce law, or complete any congressional action.
what is a Electoral College
the body of electors who formally elect the United States president and vice-president.
what is Naturalization
the legal process by which citizens of one country become citizens of another
whats the main teachers name
Mr Harris
what is a Anarchy
A state without government and laws
what is Impeachment
Charges against a member of government approved by a majority of the House of Representatives
what is the definition of Diversity
(n.) difference, variety; a condition of having many different types of forms
how old do you have to be a citizen
whats the student teachers name
Mr bushe
what is Popular Sovereignty
The rule of the people (the people rule)
what is Speaker of the House
An office mandated by the Constitution. The Speaker is chosen in practice by the majority party, has both formal and informal powers, and is second in line to succeed to the presidency should that office become vacant.
what is a Conservative
A person who believes government power, particularly in the economy, should be limited in order to maximize individual freedom.
what is a Immigrant
a person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there
how many amendments are in the constitution
what is the Rule of Law
The idea that no person is above the law of the government in question.
what is Habeas Corpus
a legal principle that requires aurthorities to show reasons why a person should be held in custody and to provide a speedy trial
what is Public Policy
A choice that government makes in response to a political issue. A policy is a course of action taken with regard to some problem.
what does Citizenship mean
informed and active membership in a political community. A legal resident of a state or country.
how many times has the us constitution been amended
30 times
what is Oligarchy
a small group of people having control of a country,organization,or institution government by such a group
what is Quorum
The minimum number of members who must be present for business to be conducted in Congress
what is Referendum
a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate
what is a Emigrant.(not the same as Immigrant)
a person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another.
how many words are there in the constitution in total