Chapter 1
Chapter 1 again
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 again
Exists primarily to provide assurance that resources are used according to legal or donor restricitions
What is fund accounting
This Characteristic defines an organization as a government
What is the power to enact and enforce a tax levy or the potential for unilateral dissolution by a government with the net resources reverting to a government.
In addition to government wide statements, governments are required to prepare fund financial statements for these funds.
What are governmental, proprietary and fiduciary funds.
Management's Discussion and Analysis is considered this.
What is required supplementary information
This divided the north and the south
What is the Mason Dixon Line
Governments must have as many funds as necessary to fulfill legal requirements and sound financial administration but must have at minimum
What is a general fund
Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, expenditures should be recognized when:
What is when the liability is incurred
The total fund balances reported in the total column of the fund basis statements must be reconciled to the total net position presented in the governmental activities column of this statement.
What is the Government wide Statement of Net Position.
This fund is always considered to be a major fund when preparing the fund basis financial statements.
What is the general fund
This was developed in the 40's Manhatten Project
What is the atomic bomb
Under this basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when measurable and available
What is modified accrual
The receipt of sales tax revenue should be accounted for in this fund when a city government collect sales tax to pay for the construction of a new courthouse.
What is the capital projects fund
Managements Discussion and Analysis is found in this section of the CAFR.
What is the financial section
This compares the actual results to the original budget.
What is budgetary comparison schedule
Richard Nixon's first Vice President
Who was Spiro Agnew
Comparison of the legally approved budget with the actual results is a required part of this
What is the CAFR
This is the governments official annual report prepared and published as a matter of public record.
What is the comprehensive annual financial report
This account title is used only in governmental funds to indicate the excess of assets over liabilities.
What is fund balance
The three major sections of the CAFR
What are Introductory, Financial and Statistical
Gotham City is home to this caped crusader.
Who is Batman
When supplementary information is not required but is presented in the financial statements, this information must follow ______ guidance.
What is GASB
This fund accounts for all resources other than those required to be accounted for in other funds.
What is the General Fund
The budgetary Comparison Schedule is considered this.
What is required supplementary information
The budgetary comparison schedule must be prepared for these funds
What are the general fund and each major special revenue fund that has a legally adopted budget.
Ho Chi Minh came to power is this country
What is Vietnam