
Who primarily makes up the Executive Branch?

The President

(2. Executive/cabinet departments)

(3. Independent government agencies)


Who primarily makes up the Legislative Branch?

1. House of Representatives

2. Senate


Who primarily makes up the Judicial Branch?

1. Supreme Court

(2. Court of appeals)

(3. District Courts)


What was the first bill that George Bush ever vetoed?

The bill increasing government funding for Stem Cell Research


What is the primary job of the Executive Branch?

To enforce the law.


What is the primary job of the Legislative Branch?

To create the law.


What is the primary job of the Judicial Branch?

To interpret the law.


Name one of the Trumps two appointments to the supreme court?

Neil Gorsuch

Brett Kavanaugh


What is one way the Executive Branch applies checks and balances to the Legislative Branch?

The ability to Veto Laws (Bills) created in Congress.


What is one way the Legislative branch applies checks and balances to the Judicial branch?

It has the responsibility of approving federal judge appointees by vote.


What is one way the Judicial branch applies checks and balances to the Executive branch?

It can declare presidential acts unconstitutional.


What was the scandal that Richard Nixon found himself in called, and why?

The Watergate scandal. It was called this because the Hotel that held the DNC headquarters to which Nixon wished to spy, was called the Watergate Hotel.


What is one way the Executive Branch applies checks and balances to the Judicial Branch?

- Power to appoint judges

- Pardon power


What is one way the Legislative branch applies checks and balances to the Executive branch?

- Impeachment Power

- Can override vetoes with 2/3 vote


What is one way the Judicial branch applies checks and balances to the Legislative branch?

Can declare laws unconstitutional.


What was the view that president Bush had for vetoing the Stem Cell Funding Bill? 

He viewed some of the experiments performed by the researchers as a form of abortion.


What are 2 out of the 3 criteria necessary to being president of the United States?

- 35 years old

- a resident of the united states for at least 14 years

- natural born citizen


What are 2 out of the 3 criteria necessary to being a Senator?

- 30 years old

- a citizen for at least 9 years

- a resident of the state he is elected to be senator of


What is the criteria to being nominated for the Supreme Curt?

There are no explicit requirements in the U.S. Constitution for a person to be nominated to become a Supreme Court justice. No age, education, job experience, or citizenship rules exist. In fact, according to the Constitution, a Supreme Court justice does not need to even have a law degree


Who replaced Nixon when he resigned from office?

Facing impeachment by Congress, Nixon resigned from office on August 9, 1974. He was replaced by Vice President Gerald Ford(1913-2006), who a month later pardoned Nixon for any wrongdoing. A number of administration officials were eventually convicted of crimes related to the Watergate affair.