The Three Branches of Government
Specific Powers of the Legislative Branch
Major Principals of the New Constitution
Structure and Leadership of Congress
Which branch enforces laws?
Executive Branch
What article describes the powers of Congress?
Article 1 [Sec. 8, Clauses 1-18]
What is Federalism?
When power is divided between national and state governments.
Which branch is in charge of Congress?
Legislative Branch.
What is revenue related to?
Taxing and spending
Which branch is part of the Third Article of the Constitution.
Judicial Branch
What are these powers called? (100 bonus points if you can tell me both names)
Expressed powers, or enumerated powers.
What does Seperation of Power mean?
It means that each of the 3 Branches has it's own responsibilities.
What does bicameral mean and what does it have to do with Congress?
2 houses, that's the structure of the Congress.
What is currency?
Control over issuing money.
Which branch is controlled by the Congress.
Legislative Branch
The legislative branch has the right to grant copyrights. What is a copyright?
Exclusive right to publish and sell literary, musical, or, artistic work.
What are Checks and Balances? (100 bonus points if you can tell me where they were proposed)
Proposed in the Federalist Papers. Each of the branches holds some power over the other, no branch gets too much power.
How many representatives are allowed PER STATE in the House of Representatives? How long is a representatives term?
It is dependent of the population of the state. 2 years.
Who declares war?
Which branch interprets laws?
Judicial Branch
Name any 3 of the powers of Congress.
Revenue, Borrowing, Commerce Power, Naturalization, Bankruptcy, Currency, Counterfeiting, Post Office, Grant copyrights and patents, Establish federal court systems, Piracy, Declare War, Army, Navy, Rules of Armed Forces, Militia, National Guard, Nations Capital, "Elastic Clause"
Which branch passes laws?
Legislative Branch
How many Senators are allowed per state in the Senate? How long is their term?
2 per state. 6 years.
What is the name of the first Constitution and how is it different from the one we have now?
The Articles of Confederation. It favored states rights over a strong federal (or overall) government.
Name the three branches in order by their article number.
Legislative (#1), Executive (#2), Judicial (#3)
What is the Elastic Clause?
Implies Congress has powers beyond those expressed. These implies powers of the "necessary and proper clause" have allowed Congress to expand its role.
Give me one example of Checks and Balances for any branch. (250 bonus points PER extra example based on a different branch)
Executive Branch: Recommends and carries out laws. Can vote laws passed by Congress. Elects federal judges and other officials. Legislative Branch: Passes laws. Can override a presidential veto with 2/3 vote. The House can impeach (or accuse a federal official of misconduct), the Senate holds the trial and can remove. The Senate confirms treaties, presidential appointments. Judicial Branch: Can interpret congressional law. Can determine acts of Congress and/or the president unconstitutional.
Who is the current Speaker of the House?
John Boehner.
What is the difference between a federalist and an antifederalist?
Federalist favored a strong federal (overall/national government). Antifederalist favored greater power at the state level.