Who won the Revolutionary War?
What does the word citizen mean?
People who live in a place
Which branch makes the laws?
What is the smallest level of government?
What were the two sides in the French and Indian War
French and NA vs. British
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington
Is this a right or responsibility-- joining the military
Who is in charge of the executive branch?
Who is in charge of the local executive branch?
What are ALL the directions on a compass (8)?
What document was written to outline the US government?
The Constitution
Is this a right or responsibility-- getting on the bus to go to school
How many Supreme Court judges are there?
Who is in charge of the state executive branch?
Living and nonliving thing needed
What are the two main goals of a government?
Keep people safe, help people work together
Is this a right or responsibility-- voting in an election... actually going to the voting place and filling out the paper
What is the job of the Judicial branch?
judge laws
What is the legislative branch called in Ohio?
General Assembly
What does weathering mean?
breaks the land
What are the first 3 words of the Constitution?
We The People
Name a right you have in the USA
What are the two parts of Congress?
Senate and HOR
Who is the Ohio governor
Mike DeWine
What was the imaginary line called that said the colonists could not cross the Appalachian mountains?
Proclamation Line