Types of Government
Limits of Government
State or Government?

This government is religion based.

What is theocracy?


This man believed that humans are naturally selfish and quick to fight.

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


The country's rulebook.

What is the constitution?


Rule of law states that everyone must follow the law. Another way to say this is "no one is [blank] the law."

What is above?


75 people, triangle borders, rules about what you can wear and singing obnoxiously. What is missing?

What is government?


In this government, people are directly involved in the day-to-day workings of the government.

What is Direct Democracy?


This man believed that people are born with a blank slate.

Who is John Locke?


How do we consent to being governed by the people in charge?

What is voting?


Citizens have [blank] in the lawmaking process.

What is input?


King Porter provides free housing to his people, has Deputy Gavin to make sure laws are being followed, and has a list of laws. What is missing?

What is protect the country?


In this lack of government, no one is in charge.

What is anarchy?


Life, liberty, and property are believed (by John Locke) to be these.

What are our natural rights?


Which limit of government protects small or unpopular groups?

What is rights of the minority?


The WAMS student council is a small portion of the entire student body that serves the needs of the students. Everyone in student council was elected to be there. What TWO types of government is the student council?

What is oligarchy and representative democracy?


300 people (though hard to count since people wander in from anywhere because there's no way of knowing where the land ends), rules about driving too fast and mandatory voting, and Queen Lilly who enforces the rules and tells people what to do. What is missing?

What is borders/territory?


A small group of people are in charge.

What is an oligarchy?


What government did Thomas Hobbes think would be best?


Dictatorship or Monarchy


Which limit of government makes sure that people know that everyone, including the leaders, must obey the law?

What is rule of law?


Which country has the oldest constitution?

What is the United States of America?


The oligarchy of Zoe, Evangeline & Gena rules their space. Zoe's ninja school makes sure people are safe from attack from other countries. Evangeline writes the laws. Gena provides a ruler within their space. What is missing?

What is keep order?


Name one of the types of government that would be considered an autocracy.

What is dictatorship or monarchy?


What is the type of agreement that both Locke and Hobbes agreed needed to be understood between the government and the people?

What is a social contract?


The United States has three branches of government so that power doesn't all rest in one place. What limit of government is covered?

What is separation of power?


Name one type of government that would never happen in the United States.

What is a monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy, anarchy, theocracy?


List the four things you need to be a state AND the four roles of government

What is population, government, borders/territory, sovereignty?

What is make laws, keep order, protect country, help citizens?