a group of people that have the power to make and enforce laws for a country or area
What are the two categories each type of government falls under?
Limited and unlimited
How does someone become a monarch?
What does "demos" mean?
Which animal can live the longest without water?
a region that shares a common government
type of government ruled by a king or queen
What are the two types of monarchies?
Absolute and constitutional
What ancient nation did we get our ideas on democracy from?
Athens, Greece
Who’s the main character in “The Jungle Book”?
sent outside their country
Type of government run by the people for the people
Who are people that communicate with the governments of other countries by having meetings?
What are the two types of democracies?
direct and representative
What does the ‘www’ in a website URL stand for?
World Wide Web
use of fear and acts of violence in order to intimidate societies or governments
type of government ruled by one person who has all the power over the people
Organizations of people with similar ideas about how a country or region should be governed are called
political parties
What are three characteristics of democracies?
Citizens rule, free elections, majority rule with individual rights, limitations on lawmakers, citizen participation
What does the French phrase “Bon Appétit” mean?
Enjoy your meal
the leader of a government and his or her advisors
state of a society without authorities or a governing body
What are three ways dictators get rid of their opponents?
Imprison them, exile them, or kill them
What are three things people living in a democratic government tend to have more of?
freedoms, protections, and a higher standard of living than in other forms of government
What is the largest country by land area?