Know your abc-s
Shit my founder says
Presidential Pups
My Kind of Town

A person who's always in balance

What is Libra?


To conquer someone or thing

What is defeat?


This controversial founder stated "I spent a disproportionate amount of time in a car in L.A. I'm 35 years old. If you add up the hours spent in cars, it would be years"

Who is Travis Kalanick (Uber)?


Bo and Sunny may be the most famous of this breed, which AKC categorizes in the working group

What is Portuguese Water Dog?


Commonly referred to by a legume, its real name is Cloudgate

What is the Bean?


An app that allows you to find your compatibility based on your zodiac sign

What is Co-Star?


A response to someone asking if you want to come over in the middle of quarantine

What is nope?


"We are not even close to finishing the basic dream of what a PC can be." - said this do-gooder founder.

Who is Bill Gates (Microsoft)?


Socks was the feline sibling of this president's all-American  dog. Sadly, he never made it back to the White House in the 2000s....

Who is Bill Clinton?


These four states that can be seen from the top of willis tower

What are Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois?


The least common presidential sign, because none of them are alike

What is Gemini?


A studio famous for animated movies such as Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro

What is Ghibli?


"A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa", according to this founder with a terrible hair cut.

Who is Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)?


Nikita Kruschev famously gifted a puppy to this first lady, many thought the dog was wearing a wire

Who is Jackie Kennedy?


This event caused billions in damages in 1992 when a hole was punctured in the river bed near the Chicago Sun Times

What is the Great Chicago Flood?


This is Gillian Feldmeth's sign

What is Cancer?


A broadly used cheap building material similar to plaster

What is Stucco?


Uttered in an accent..."Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming"

Who is Richard Branson (Virgin)

This long-serving president's dog reportedly received more fan mail than he! Perhaps it was the Scots sending the letters....

Who is FDR (Scottish terrier, Fala)


This architectural wonder used to sit on the Midway Plaisance near the University of Chicago and cost a 50 cents to ride

What is the Ferris Wheel?

When more than 3 celestial bodies align, usually portending something good (or ominous) in movies

What is syzygy?


This island nation became a country in September 2000

What is Tuvalu?


This female founder shared "I find that I am much more creative when I've actually taken care of myself"

Who is Arianna Huffington?


Referred to as "the most famous dog in White House history", this presidential pup gave birth to 6 White House puppies, landed the cover of Life magazine and was even a New York Times best-selling "dog-author"

Who is "Millie", George H.W. Bush's springer spaniel


This architect who practiced in Chicago said "Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins."

Who is Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe?