
Tolerance Level

  • We here at GPA set clear rules and appropriate expectations for the students
  • Provide structured environment
  • Consistent teaching
  • provide student centered rationales
  • Model these expectations throuighout the day. It begins on the very first day.

What is intermittent reinforcement?

Reinforecement which occurs occaisionallyrather than every time


What is response cost?

The contingent withdrawal of reinforcement following a behavior


Why do we use a structured behavior model at G.P.A.?

It provides a systematic, objective, positive method of reinforcing acceptable behavior, correcting unacceptable behavior, & teach acceptable social skills to teach and demonstrate the cause/effect relationships between behaviors students exhbit and outcomes they experience.


What is discrimination of learning?

Teaching students that certain behaviors that appropriate in one situation may be inappropriate in another


What is professionalism?

  • The conduct, aims, or qualities of a professional

Some examples are:

  • Appropriate dress
  • Accepting feedback
  • Following policies & procedures
  • Coming to work on time 

Based on professionalism training, if you are having an issue with a staff member tou should talk with that person and provide them with feedback in a professional manner.


What is Fading?

The gradual removal of prompts & artificial consequences, which were necessary to establish& maintain a behavior.


What is Tolerance Level?

  • It is a term used to describe the fine line between what staff will and will not accept as appropriate behaviors
  • a fine line between when to use effective praise and when to use a teaching interaction  

What is a support plan?

An individualized plan with explanation of student motivators, individualized target skills, and behavioral techniques


When do you use a teaching interaction?

A teaching interaction procedure is used to correct inappropriate behavior and teach alternative appropriate skills



  • Primary reinforcer is a reinforcer that you are born needing 
    • Ex: food, water, shelter, sleep
  • Secondary reinforcer is a reinforcer that is conditioned to be motivating
    • Ex: Money, tokens, grades in school, stickers, etc.

Who is involved in the process of devloping an individualized support plan?

  • The social worker, teacher, aides, facilitators, consultant, and student
  • All of them must sign the support plan

What is shaping?

A process for teaching more complex/ difficult skills that are not currently in the child’s repertoire


What is Satiation?

Any event that has proven to be reinforcing may lose its reinforcing value if presented too frequently or too close in proximity to the previous presentation


What is 


to equip the child/youth with the skills to recognize & act on opportunities that will enable the child to have frequent, meaningful input into decisions affecting his/her life


A student makes a statement, “I wish I didn’t take all of those pills this morning.” 

Who is the first person you should contact after hearing this statement?

The social worker in the classroom


What combination of points does a student need to make privileges for the next day?

  • Students must earn a total of 2,000+ points to make privileges
  • There should be at least 1,200+ points earned in their target skills
  • The remaining 800+ points can be in non-target skills

Room 16: We have morning privileges and afternoon privileges. Students must earn 15 points total. At least 6 need to be in their target skills and the other 9+ points can be in non-target skills.


What are bonds?

  • Artificial external motivation we use at GPA
  • A student can earn a bond each time they accumulate points.
  • Room 16: 100 points 
  • The rest of GPA: 10,000 points
  • The student can use them to purchase rewards from the Super Store 

What is an “Effective Praise” interaction?

It is a teaching procedure used to reinforce appropriate behavior and efforts


Give an example of passive behavior

  • Eye rolling
  • Not answering a direct question
  • Sighing
  • No eye contact
  • Changing subject
  • Smiling
  • Walking away
  • Putting head down
  • Hands on hips

What is meant by the intensity of a behavior?

How often is the behavior occurring, how long does it last, & the magnitude of the behavior


What is a negative consequence?

A negative consequence is a way to decrease the probability of behavior from occurring again


Give an example of positive reinforcement?

  • Earning points
  • Earning time with staff
  • Right Choice Tickets
  • Good job/gotcha good tickets
  • Praise

What is the motivational system?

A behavior management program that provides systematic, objective, positive methods of:

  • Reinforcing acceptable, desired behavior
  • Correcting unacceptable behavior
  • Teaching skills which students can use as alternatives to previously unacceptable behavior responses

What does T.F.A stand for?

Teaching Family Association


What is a social skill?

The ability to interact with others in a given social context in specfic ways that are socially acceptable or valued and, at the same time, personally beneficial, mutually beneficial, or beneficial primarily to others.


How many points does a student need to get out of in-school suspension?



What are two kinds of consequences?

  • Positive consequence 
  • Negative consequences

What is a positive consequence?

  • A positive consequence is a reward a student will earn that will increase the frequency of positive behaviors
  • Can only be effective if the student has an opportunity to use the privilege that is earned

What are the three phases of Anger management?

  • Prevention phase (three teaching interactions plus cool down phase)
  • Calming down phase                                            (Praise, describe, instruct)
  • Re-entering phase                                           (recording negative points and positive correction) 

What does SEL stand for?

Social and Emotional Learning


Examples of SEL Skills

  • Thinking before acting
  • apologizing
  • honesty
  • resolving conflict
  • expressing needs
  • dealing with frustration

What does S.O.D.A.S. stand for?

  • Situation
  • Options
  • Disadvantages
  • Advantages
  • Solution

What are examples of a praise statement?

  • Class, you’re all doing great following along in your book!
  • We knew you could do it!
  • Awesome job!
  • That’s incredible!

True or false?

Students must earn target skill points every period?



What are the A-B-C’s of Learning Theory?

  • Antecedent: something in the environment that causes a behavior (not always under one’s control)
  • Behavior: Anything that is observable and measurable. It’s characterized by the frequency, duration, and intensity of the behavior
  • Consequence: what happens after the behavior occurs (can be controlled, it can increase or decrease behavior change)


Antecedent: Student asks teacher if he can get a drink. Teacher says, “No.”

Behavior: Student asks another staff member to go get a drink.

Consequence: Student goes through a teaching interaction for not accepting no.


What is a target skill?

How many target skills does a student work on in school? 

  • A target skill is a specific skill area where the student has a deficiency
  • Students in school work on 2 target skills

What is the purpose of a “cool down” phase?

  • Giving the student the opportunity to regain control of their behavior
  • it can be given at any time

What are the three negative point levels? 


 Room 16: -2 points, -4 points, -10 points

The rest of GPA: -200 points, -400 points, -4,000 points


What is the purpose of the reflection room & when should it be used?

A room used for students who are not under instructional control, who are unable to go back to class, and who are unable to complete their interactions


What is the “Safety” room & when should it be used?

  • meets restraint criteria
  • This room should be used in 15 minute increments
  • A form must be filled out after use

What is a rationale?

  • A statement that explains the natural benefits/positive consequences someone may receive by engaging in appropriate/inappropriate behavior 
  • An effective rational is personal to the student (student -centered)
  • It is brief
  • It allows tou to use specific natural consequences
  • You want it to be convincing
  • You use it when teaching a new skill, reinforcing appropriate behavior, during student governement meetings 

What is “Planned Teaching” & when should it be done?

  • Teaching in the absence of inappropriate behavior designed to set clear expectations and to promote the use of the curriculum skills
  • It should be done at a neutral time (homeroom/lunch)

What are the steps of a “teaching interaction”?

  • Initial praise/ empathy
  • Description of the inappropriate behavior
  • Consequences/ Skill identification
  • Description of Appropriate Skill and Behavior
  • Positive Correction Statement                        rationale w/ acknowledgement and practice
  • Praise

What are the steps to a“Planned Teaching” interaction?

  • Introduce skill and describe the skill
  • Give rationale (student centered)
  • Practice the skill
  • Provide practice, feedback, and positive consequence
  • Plan for future use 

Name the two reasons a student could meet restraint criteria

  • When a student is a danger to themselves
  • When a student is a danger to others 

What are the steps to the “Effective Praise” interaction?

  • Praise/ Identify the skill
  • Description of appropriate behavior
  • Rationale/ Acknowledgement
  • Positive consequence (Optional)
  • Praise and encouragement throughout