Wisdom's Call
I Wuv My Job
Under the Sun
Got GPS?
Sound Foundation
The books in the middle of the Bible, including Job and Proverbs, are typically called the ________ Literature of the Bible
What is wisdom
According to the first chapter of his book, what kind of man was Job?
What is upright, holy, feared God, hated evil, righteous, etc.
The author of Ecclesiastes says that everything is this.
What is meaningless
This is the document that we have been going through in youth group on Sunday nights.
What is the Grace Pointe statement of faith/belief
Though it is not found in the Bible, this is the word that describes the “three-in-one” nature of God.
What is Trinity
This book of songs is located after Job in the Bible
What is Psalms
This king is the author of Song of Songs
What is Solomon
The author of Ecclesiastes says that this is new, under the sun.
What is nothing
This is the name of one of the Grace Pointe Naperville youth ministry interns
What is Josh or Bryan
This is the primary way God speaks to us today.
What is through the Bible/Scripture/His Word
This book of wise sayings is located after Psalms in the Bible.
What is Proverbs
Job’s wife tried to get him to do these two things.
What is curse God and die
In Ecclesiastes 3, the author writes that there is a season and a time for this.
What is everything (or, to be born, die, plant, pluck up, kill, heal, break down, build up, weep, laugh, mourn, dance, cast stones, gather stones, embrace, refrain from embracing, seek, lose, keep, cast away, tear, sew, keep silence, speak, hate, love, make war, make peace)
These are the names of four Grace Pointe Plainfield Student Ministries leaders.
Who are Rocky Gemelli, Jeremy Heffington, Sara Sellars, Logan Ringenberg, Scott Devries, Clare DeVries, Ryan Ringenberg, Danny Bliss, Larry Dolendi, Dan Moon
According to Romans 5, this is the effect that Adam’s sin had on all His descendants.
What is they all sinned, or they all die, or they were all corrupted, or Original Sin?
This love poem is the last in order of the Wisdom Books of the Bible.
What is Song of Songs/Solomon
When Job first heard that he had lost everything, this was his response.
What is he shaved his head, tore his clothes, fell down on the ground, and/or worshiped
In the final chapter of Ecclesiastes, these two things make up the whole duty of man.
What is What is fear God and obey His commands
This is PJ’s favorite praise song.
What is "The Gospel"
This is one way in which the Holy Spirit is NOT like “the Force.”
What is the fact that He is a person, or that He has no dark side, or that He is God, other answers possible.
This book is located after Proverbs in the Bible.
What is Ecclesiastes?
In the Bible, this entity is referred to as the “Bride of Christ.”
What is the Church
According to Ecclesiastes 4:12, this is not easily broken.
What is A cord of three strands
This middle school girl is, objectively, the most hard-core Ga-Ga Ball player at
What is Alison Halder
***DAILY DOUBLE*** According to 1 Thessalonians, when Jesus returns, these people will accompany Him.
What is the dead in Christ