Who's that staff?
GPS Rules
Where is it located
Coping skills
Bucket Behaviors

Who is TA that picks up most on the programs? 

Who is Marcia 


Name the article of clothing that has to go into your locker before entering a classroom. 

What is a coat! 


This room holds a large anvil, its typically full of kids, you might also find a witch doctor in there

What is Mr.Seirs classroom. 


I am frustrated. Everyone in the room is making mad. What do I need to do? 

What is "ask take space."


Inappropriate Language 

What is G3


This person worked on victory lane then moved to Pathfinders now works at the school 

Who is Kayli! 


Although you're allowed to wear sweatpants there is a pair of pants you're not permitted to wear unless it's a spirit day. 

What are Pajama Bottoms


This room has covers, some hard, some soft, some on shelves and some on the walls. 

What is Mrs. Varns Classroom. 


I have been struggling with a peer for a while now. We used to be friends but now were not. I just want things to be good again. What do I need? 

What is a conflict resolution meeting 


Oppositional Behavior 



This person decorates their classroom door every month 

Who is Ms.Mel! 


What time are you allowed in the building in the morning? 

What is 7:45AM


This room is Lage but has little walking room. 

You're always free to express yourself here but it MUST be appropriate 

What is the Art room. 


The classroom is too loud and I'm getting overstimulated. Im not able to leave the room at the moment. What do I need? 

What is noise canceling headphones/listen to music 


Bully like behaviors 



This person is from the country Chad. 

Who is Tidjani! 


What are you not allowed to do during transition 

What is use the bathroom 


Sometimes this room smells sweet, sometimes it smells sour but there's almost always a treat for you  

What is the kitchen! 


Something that happened on the program is still bothering me after lunch. We have to many kids in the classroom so I can't ask the teaching assistant to talk to me in the hall about it. What should I do? 

What is "Ask for a conference request" 


Physical Aggression 

What is R6 

This person has worked for Nexus for 30 years 

Who is Billy G!

will also accept Deb White, or Coach as the answer. 


What are you not allowed to wear in the building unless you are in PE or IA 

What is a hat


This room can be creepy but also lots of fun. it's the oldest part of GPS

What is the gym! 


I have a lot of energy and I'm struggling to control it. Pacing the room is making my peers anxious. What can I do? 

What is "Ask to go on a walk" 


You notice a youth on a non-approved website playing games. You ask them to get off of it or you will need to take the laptop from them. The youth ignores you and still plays the non-approved games. You asked two more times. Nothing happens. You shut the laptop down and ask them to hand it over. The youth hands you the laptop and they walk out of class. What bucket behaviors are they displaying?  

What is G5-Oppositional behavior, Y4 inappropriate computer use, Y2-Exiting the classroom.