How many values are listed on the Chartwell value circle?
What is the Chartwell School mascot?
Teamwork enables better ________ solving
What does the bat use to navigate and locate its prey?
What has 13 hearts, but no other organs?
A deck of cards
What are the two values that start with C?
Caring and Courage
What year was Chartwell School founded?
Brainstorming and sharing _____ can help build on each other's innovations.
What are baby kangaroos called?
What tastes better than it smells?
Your tongue
What are the two values that start with I?
Inclusion and Integrity
What year did Chartwell move to this current campus?
Working in teams forces teens to ________ listen to others.
Which animal has the thickest fur in the animal kingdom?
Sea Otter (up to one million hairs per square inch!)
A rooster is sitting on the south side of a barn. If it lays an egg, which way will it roll?
Roosters don't lay eggs!
What are the two values that start with R?
Respect and Responsibility
How many acres is the current Chartwell campus?
60 acres
Working with diverse peers in a team helps teens develop _______ and respect.
What is a female elephant called?
I jump when I walk and I sit when I stand. What am I?
A kangaroo
What is one benefit of self-compassion (Caring)?
Treating ourselves with self-compassion when we are struggling or criticizing ourselves can have numerous positive psychological effects that lead us to feeling happier and more connected with others.
What is the name of Chartwell's new robotics team?
Strong teamwork skills are highly valued in the _________ and social settings.
What is the color of a polar bear's skin?
Black (to better absorb the sun's rays!)
Bobby's mother has three children, Snap, Crackle and ___.