What is this note: Treble Clef- 2 leger lines above the staff.
What is the minor key signature that has F#, C# and G# as a key signature?
F# -
When you raise the 7th note and keep it raised on the way down, this is called a . . .
Harmonic Minor Scale
Describe how to count intervals properly.
Name all of the planets in the universe?
Earth, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto
What is a While Tone above E?
List all of the flats in Eb minor
Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb
What is the rule when writing a melodic minor scale?
Raise the 6th and 7th note (half step) and lower them on the way down.
What is a Perfect 5th above D?
The first instrument that Mr. Watson learned as a child was . . .
a) The guitar
b) The violin
c) The Trumpet
d) The Bassoon
b) The Violin
What is the major key signature that has 5 flats?
What is the 'relative minor' to F# major?
What are the notes in G harmonic minor (all 8)?
G A Bb C D Eb F# G
What is a Major 7th above G?
List the last 5 JCR Musicals (including this years)
Mamma Mia, Seusical, Lion King, Mary Poppins and High School Musical
List all of the sharps in F# major
F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#
List all of the sharps in B minor
F#, C#
What are the notes in F# natural minor (All 8)
F#, G#, A, B, C#, D, E, F#
When inverted, a major 6th becomes a . . .
minor 3rd
What year did the Maple Leafs (Watsons favourite team) last win the Stanley Cup?
a) 1944
b) 1967
c) 2003
d) 1985
b) 1967
What is the enharmonic equivalent to Cb?
The minor key signature that has 5 flats is called . . .
What are the notes in C minor melodic? (Going up and down)
going down: C, Bb, Ab, G, F, Eb, D, C
What is a Perfect 4th above Gb? Then what is the inversion?
1. Cb
2. Perfect 5th
Which student does Mr. Watson love the 'bug' the most when 'learning or taking up theory'...?