Thought / Problem Solving
Motivation / Emotion
Stress & Health
The three stage model of memory classifies these types of memories based on capacity and duration.
What are sensory memory, short term or working memory, and long term memory
This is a form of association learning in which behaviors are triggered by associations with events in the environment. A. Generalization B. Latent learning C. Conditioning D. Interval schedules
What is C. Conditioning
Henry thought that you are more likely to see someone with a tattoo AND a body piercing than someone with just a body piercing. This type of error is known as: A conjunction fallacy B. mental set C. divergent misrepresentation D. diffusion of probabilities
A. conjunction fallacy
These are external elements which pull us into action motivating our behavior. A. Drives B. Incentives C. Needs D. Wants
What is B. Incentives
Karen has been feeling pretty stressed out lately. She wants to do something to help her deal with the stress. What is the best thing she could do: A. light up a cigarette and let the nicotine calm her down. B. Join her friends for a night of heavy drinking. C. Go to her apartment window and yell hurtful things to people passing by to vent her frustration. D. Find a quite place and perform mindfulness meditation.
D. Find a quite place and perform mindfulness meditation.
This effect causes people to remember things at the beginning and end of list better than the things in the middle of the list. A. Primacy Effect B. Recency Effect C. Serial Position Effect D. Recall Effect
What is C. Serial Position Effect
As a boy, Bill got very nervous and started to sweat when class would start after the school bell rang. Now when he hears a bell, no matter the situation, he becomes anxious and sweats. Bill is likely experiencing this type of conditioning. A. Operant Conditioning B. Extinction C. Law of Effect D. Classical Conditioning
What is D. Classical Conditioning
One day Ned closed his trunk and locked his keys inside, he called his wife to bring another set of keys to his location so he could unlock the trunk, get his keys, unlock the car and drive home. The next day Ned unlocked his car doors and then placed something in his trunk and closed it with his keys inside again. Ned called his wife to bring the set of keys to his location again. When his wife arrived she said, "Ned the car doors are unlocked this time, why didn't you just pull the "trunk Opening" lever?" Ned obviously is encountering this which interferes with his ability to solve a problem: A. mental set B. limited perception C. cognitive stagnation D. functional fixedness
A. mental set
Clare feels that the unit she is with is willing to go the extra mile to ensure her safety and all tools are provided for her to complete her duty. Additionally the unit makes sure she and others in the unit provide inputs to group decisions. Clare is likely experience effects from this model of employee motivation. A. Intrinsic motivation B. Organizational support C. Extrinsic motivation D. Mastery motivation
What is B. Organizational support motivation
This Stress system releases cortisol in our body.
What is the HPA axis
Bill remembers that 6 x 6 is 36. This type of long term memory is more specifically recognized as this. A. Implicit; Procedural memory B. Explicit; Semantic memory C. Implicit; Priming memory D. Explicit; Episodic memory
What is B. Explicit; Semantic memory
In Operant conditioning, this is when you take away a bad thing in hopes that the behavior continues in the future. A. Negative punishment B. Positive reinforcement C. Negative reinforcement D. Positive punishment
What is C. Negative reinforcement
Bill asked his roommate what the temperature outside was going to be today. His roommate said, " I don't know. Looks like the sun is out this morning." Bill looked out the window and saw the leaves weren't moving. Bill knows that the sun is hot and that breezes in his town can be rather cold. Using this information he decided it was going to be a warm morning. This is an example of what type of thought process? A. Inductive reasoning B. causal inferences C. Confirmation bias D. Deductive reasoning
What is D. Deductive reasoning
Kyle has extreme concerns about his weight. These concerns often overwhelm his thoughts. When he looks at himself in the mirror all he can think about is how "fat" he is. When he eats he feels extremely ashamed of himself. Kyle now only drinks one cup of coffee in the morning and eats a couple crackers at 3 PM to keep his weight down. It’s likely Kyle has this eating disorder: A. anorexia nervosa B. anorexic compulsion C. bulimic compulsion D. bulimia nervosa
What is A. anorexia nervosa
Jim was feeling really stressed about his big performance coming up. He brought it up to his wife and told her about his nervousness. He found that getting it all out there made him feel better. Not only that but his wife suggested to move the performance to a later date to allow for more time to practice which Jim did the very next day. THIS best identifies the type of coping strategy Jim used to assist with his issue: A. problem-focused coping B. Emotion-Focused Coping C. Social Support D. Positive Psychology
What is C. Social Support
Karl fell off his motorcycle and was brought to the hospital. When his wife went to visit him he didn't recognize her or recall ever getting married. Karl's reaction is know as this: A. Anterograde amnesia B. False memory C. Recovered memory D. Retrograde amnesia
What is D. Retrograde amnesia
Jill is buying 3 sodas from an old coke machine. For some reason the machine requires her to push the soda button 6 times before it gives her a soda. This is the type of schedule of reinforcement Jill is experiencing. A. Fixed Ratio B. Variable Ratio C. Fixed Interval D. Variable Interval
What is A. Fixed Ratio
This is not an element of Critical Thinking. A. Evaluate B. Self-regulate C. Make inferences D. Mental rotation
What is D. Mental rotation
This is the stage of creative thinking which involves defining the problem and performing what you think are the first steps in solving the problem. A. preparation B. elaboration-verification C. incubation D. insight
What is A. preparation
According to susceptibility to the common cold, _______ matters more than _______. A. perceived stress; actual stressors B. actual stressors; perceived stress C. exercise; dieting D. dieting; exercise
What is A. perceived stress; actual stressors
These proteins switch on the genes responsible for the development of new synapses aiding in developing memories. A. long-term potentiation B. CREB C. transcranial stimulation D. Hippocampal generation
What is B. CREB
This is a form of social learning when someone imitates the behavior performed by others they observed.
What is Modeling
Joan is watching people walk around in Time Square. She sees a man wearing cowboy boots, a belt with a big buckle on it, and a cowboy hat. "He must be from Texas," she thinks. Joan is likely using this shortcut to come to that conclusion.
What is representativeness heuristic
Name at least two parts of the brain which are involved in emotional responses.
What are: Amygdala, Hypothalamus, Prefrontal Cortex, Anterior cingulate Cortex
Kim is has a Type-A personality. Studies warn that Kim might be at risk for heart disease if she frequently experiences THIS: A. feeling rushed for time B. expresses hostility towards others C. is extremely competitive D. is impatient with others
B. expresses hostility towards others