Love it loathe it: In the 2000 Chrysler introduced the “PT”
What is Cruiser?
For those born between July 23rd and August 22nd: this fire sign is ready to roar
What is Leo?
The alter ego of Selina Kyle, she made her comic debut in 1940’s ”Batman” no. 1
Who is Catwoman?
It’s a signing twosome
What is a duo?
This sugary-sweet board game was created in the 1940’s to entertain children recovering from Polio
What is Candy Land?
This Ford “pony car” debuted in 1964
What is Mustang?
April 20th to May 20th: Quick decisions are necessary - be bullish
What is Taurus?
Norman Osborn was the first alter ego of this enemy of Spider-Man
Who is Green Goblin?
A mineral deposit from which metal can be extracted
What is an ore?
In stores since 1985, this drawing game created by a Seattle waiter brings out your inner artist
What is Pictionary?
A 1947 race car was the first car built by this Italian luxury automaker that is now worth over $20 billion
What is Ferrari?
February 19th to March 20th: Something‘s fishy, and it‘s this mutable water sign
What is Pisces?
Comic-book writer and filmmaker, Kevin Smith named his daughter this, after the Joker’s accomplice
Who is Harley Quinn?
In a fairy tale, a princess can feel it through 20 mattresses
What is a pea?
An ”insignificant quest” or, a game where you earn colorful wedges in 6 different categories
What is Trivial Pursuit?
In the 90’s, Porsche introduced this model as an answer to Mazda’s Miata
What is Boxster?
June 21st to July 22nd: Why so crabby?
What is Cancer?
This X-men villain’s aliases have included Mallory Brickman, Leni Zauber and most notably, Raven Darkholme
Who is Mystique?
Synonym for sadness
What is woe?
Select a “description” card that goes with a “thing” card for hilarious outcomes in this “fruity” party game
What is Apples to apples?
Jeep makes this compact SUV with the same name as a navigational instrument
What is Compass?
For those born between January 20th and February 18th: it’s the age of this air sign
What is Aquarius?
Chen Lu used his knowledge as a nuclear physicist to become this villain, one of the original masters of evil
Who is Radioactive man?
The longest division of geologic time
What is an eon?
Once called Crisscross words, this board game was renamed for the digging of letters during play
What is Scrabble?