What book character did I name my cat after
Zoya Nazilesky
What rank am I in TKD
What is my star sign
Favorite anime
Fruits basket
Favorite musical
The outsiders
What is my favorite Crow from Six of Crows
Wylan Van Eck
At what age did I get my first black belt
What is my number 1 most wanted country to visit
What is my favorite studio ghibli movie
Howls movie castle
First show I choreographed
Aladdin JR
What is my favorite book
Babal by RF Kuang
What two categories did I win district champion in?
Forms and Sparring
2 months
Who is my favorite FullMetal Alchemist character
Riza Hawkeye or Olivia Armstrong
Least favorite show I’ve ever done
A litany of angels
What book got me into reading
Song of Achilles
At what age did I start the cleburne school
What did I originally want to go to collage for before martial arts
Special education teacher
What anime made me cry the most
Violet Evergarden
Dream role usually played by a boy
Soda pop
What is my favorite fan fiction
Crimson Rivers
Front kick
If I could go back and completely change my career path what would I study?
What was the first anime I ever watched
Your lie in April
First stage show I’ve seen
West side story