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Implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs), injections, pills, vaginal rings, barrier methods, sterilisation, emergency contraception and natural methods. Condoms are the best available protection against sexually transmissible infections (STIs).

What are some common methods of contraception.


Expiry date, where it has been stored, “puff test” for air bubble are all things you should check before using this 

What is a condom package.


This teacher's favorite color is black.

Who is Mr. McCallum.


Family, age of first use, cravings, tolerance, and surroundings risk factors for what.

What is addiction.


True or False: If I get into legal trouble due to substance use this can affect my athletic and school life.

What is true.


This is the house that is rigged and wins every competition. 

Who is Mekong.


This teacher's first job was a paper route.

Who is Ms. Baier.


Not talking about a future, feeling overwhelmed, and moving away from friends are warning signs of this.

What is someone who is (possibly) contemplating suicide. 


Universities want to see the person you're becoming and the skills you've learned outside of class by having these.

What are extracurricular activities.


Active listening, compromising, and receiving feedback are examples of some who has this quality.

Who is an effective communicator.


This teacher's favorite subject in high school is I&S.

Who is Mr. Andersson.


This often influences sleep which has a direct impact on how we live our lives.

What is stress levels.


Stimulants (Amphetamines) - speed up the body’s system, Depressants (Barbiturates) - will induce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and prevent seizures, Hallucinogens (MDMA) - energizing effect, distortions in time and perception, and enhanced enjoyment of tactile experiences are examples of what?

What are three common categories of drugs and their effects on the body.


This teacher's least favorite subject in high school was information and computer technology.

Who is Ms. Lobo.


Social glorification, peer pressure, self medication, grief, reduce stress, thrill seeking, and boredom are all reasons for what?

What are some reasons why people may turn to drugs.


A chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences.

What is the concept of addiction and how it affects individuals.


The acronym CUPS are the signs for this situation.

What is alcohol poisoning. 


An unambiguous, affirmative and conscious decision by each person to engage in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity.

What is the definition of consent in the context of a relationship.


Your passions, job availability, entrance requirements, and possible financial gains are examples of this.

What are some factors to consider when choosing a university major.


A stigma that serves as a barrier to treatment keeping a person in a potentially life-threatening situation is this.

What is mental health treatment and/or suicide prevention.