Cell Organelle Relationships
Cellular Transport
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

What is the endoplasmic reticulum?

This organelle is composed of a network of membranes, including rough and smooth regions, and plays a key role in protein synthesis.


What is the cell membrane?

This structure regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cell.


In which organelle does photosynthesis occur in plant cells?



What is carrying capacity? (of the environment)

The maximum number of individuals that an environment can sustain indefinitely is known as this.


What is adaptation?

This term refers to the process by which organisms develop traits over time that better suit them to survive and reproduce in their environment.


Found in both plant and animal cells, this organelle is responsible for protein synthesis and works hand-in-hand with the organelle for protein packaging and modification. What are these two organelles?

Ribosome and Goldy Body


This type of transport occurs when molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration without the need for energy

Passive diffusion


What is cellular respiration?

This process occurs in the mitochondria of cells and converts glucose into ATP, the energy currency of the cell.


What are or autotrophs?

In an energy pyramid, this level contains the organisms that convert sunlight into usable energy through photosynthesis.


What is natural selection?

Natural selection describes the process by which organisms with traits best suited to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more successfully, leading to the gradual change of populations over time


What is the vacuole?

Vacuole is abundant in plant cells but also present in some protists and animal cells, aids in the storage of water, ions, and nutrients. It maintains turgor pressure and works in conjunction with the organelle responsible to regulate calcium levels.


What is a hypertonic solution?

A hypertonic solution is one that has a higher concentration of solutes than another solution.

For example, seawater is hypertonic to freshwater because it has more salt.


During cellular respiration, this molecule is produced in the highest quantity and serves as the primary energy carrier in cells.



Animals that help break down the dead organisms that fall to the ground are



These structures, such as the human appendix or the wings of flightless birds, are remnants of structures that had important functions in ancestors but are reduced in size and have no apparent function in modern organisms

 vestigial structures


This organelle (1) contains digestive enzymes to break down waste and cellular debris, while this other (2) organelle regulates what enters and exits the cell.

 Lysosome and Cell Membrane


 This process involves the movement of substances across the cell membrane with the help of transport proteins, but does not require energy input.

facilitated diffusion


the chemical equation for photosynthesis.

What is 6CO2 (Carbon)  + 6H2O (Water) + light energy → C6H12O6 (Glucose) + 6O2 (Oxygen)?


This gas, primarily released by burning fossil fuels, is a major contributor to global climate change.

carbon dioxide (CO2)


Genetic variation within a population can arise through different mechanisms. One mechanism involves the shuffling and recombination of genetic material during this process that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms.



This organelle is responsible for lipid synthesis and detoxification (1), while this other organelle (2) modifies, sorts, and packages proteins for secretion.

smooth ER and Golgi Body


 This process involves the engulfment of large particles or droplets of fluid into the cell by the cell membrane forming a vesicle.



What is the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis in terms of the molecules involved?

They are complementary processes, with the products of one being the reactants of the other: photosynthesis produces glucose and oxygen, which are used in cellular respiration to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ATP


What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors? (give examples of each)

The main difference between biotic and abiotic factors is that biotic factors are comprised of living things (such as plants, animals, and fungi). In contrast, abiotic factors are comprised of non-living chemical and physical environmental conditions in an ecosystem (such as wind, water, and light).


This type of speciation occurs when populations of a species become reproductively isolated from each other. This process can occur through geographic isolation or THIS other type of isolation, where mating behaviors or reproductive anatomy prevent successful reproduction.

reproductive isolation