South African people of Dutch decent
Name of the period of great prosperity following WW!
The Roaring 20s
Ideology that believes in the elimination of social classes
Law that grants Canada almost complete autonomy
Statute of Westminster
Prime Minister who gave a lot of compromises
Wilfred Laurier
The belief that the anglo saxon race is the best
British Imperialism
Two new provinces created in 1905
Alberta and Sasketchewan
Current of thought which advocates for limited state intervention in the economy
Economic Liberarlism
Main investor during the 2nd phase of industrialization
Leader who advocated for the protection of the French Language and to put Canada first
Henri Bourassa
Interment camps
The fear of Immigrants
The catholic unions were created to stop people from joining what?
American Unions
A type of capitalism that has no competition
Monopoly capitalism
Leader who pushed for Farming, French, Faith and Family
Lionel Groulx
Cause of the conscription crises?
Not enough volunteers
Law in 1906 which restricted non-Whites, handicap and, deported thousands of people
Immigration Act
Type of institution which loans money to French Canadians and the profits are shared
New source of energy in 2nd phase of industrialization
Founder of the Cooperative movement
Magazine written by Lionel Groulx which advocated for a rural life
Action Francais
Period which ended when WW2 started
The great Depression
Totalitarian regime founded on Extreme nationalism
New region opened up which is rich in minerals
Premier who gave women the right to vote in Quebec
Adelard Godbout