What did Jesus say about divorce? (Mark 10)
Jesus said divorce was not God’s original plan and that marriage is sacred.
What parable does Jesus tell about a vineyard owner? (Mark 12)
Jesus tells the Parable of the Tenants, where tenants reject and kill the owner’s servants and son.
What meal were Jesus and His disciples celebrating (popular in Jewish culture)? (Mark 14)
Who sentenced Jesus to be crucified? (Mark 15)
Pontius Pilate.
How many books are in the New Testament?
What did Jesus teach about serving others? (Mark 10)
Jesus taught that whoever wants to be great must be a servant.
What did Jesus say would happen to the temple? (Mark 13)
Jesus said that not one stone of the temple would be left standing; all would be destroyed.
What did Jesus predict Peter would do before the rooster crowed? (Mark 14)
Jesus predicted Peter would deny Him three times.
Who found the empty tomb on the third day? (Mark 16) Name 1.
Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome found the empty tomb.
Who asked Jesus if they could sit at His right and left hand in glory? (Mark 10)
James and John.
Who did Jesus say would enter the Kingdom of God? (Mark 10)
Jesus said that little children would enter the Kingdom of God.
Which two commandments did Jesus say are the most important? (Mark 12)
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Where did Jesus pray before His arrest? (Mark 14)
Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Who greeted the woman at the tomb of Jesus? (Mark 16)
An angel. The angel said, “Jesus has risen; He is not here.”
Who was the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection in Mark’s Gospel? (Mark 16)
Mary Magdalene.
Why did Jesus cleanse the temple? (Mark 11)
Jesus cleansed the temple because people were misusing it as a marketplace.
What are some signs Jesus said would show the end of the age? (Mark 13)
Wars, earthquakes, famines, and false prophets would be signs.
What did the crowd shout when Pilate asked about Jesus? (Mark 15)
They shouted, "Crucify Him!"
What did Jesus say to His disciples before ascending to heaven? (Mark 16)
Jesus told His disciples to preach the Gospel to all nations.
What was the sign that Judas used to betray Jesus? (Mark 14)
Judas used a kiss to betray Jesus.
Who was Bartimaeus? (Mark 10)
Jesus healed Bartimaeus, a blind man.
Who did Jesus warn His disciples about in Chapter 12? (Chapter 12)
Jesus warned them about the teachers of the law who were hypocritical and loved status.
What did the Roman centurion say after Jesus died? (Mark 15)
The centurion said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”
Why is Jesus' resurrection important for Christians? (Mark 16)
It proves Jesus’ victory over sin and death, offering hope for eternal life.
When was this said “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?” (Mark 14)
During Jesus' trial.