Festivals & Celebrations
Geography & Climate
Food & Clothing
Beliefs, Customs & Symbols
Quality of Life

This country's children, sadly, do not receive gifts on Christmas Day. 

What is Ukraine


The weather in this country is very similar to ours. 

What is Ukraine?


Dates and couscous are some of this country's most common foods. 

What is Tunisia?


This flag represents which country?

What is India?

People everywhere have needs. They need family, friends, a home, food to eat, and they must feel safe and happy. When people have these things, it is said they have a good .....?

What is quality of life


During this festival, people do the odd thing of jumping over a bonfire!

What is Ivan Kupala?


In this country, people in the northern part enjoy a Mediterranean climate while people in the south experience a desert climat. 

What is Tunisia?


This red soup dish is popular in what country? 

What is Ukraine?


The colours on this country's flag represent the sky and wheat. 

What is Ukraine?


In this country, a child starts school at 6. She gets to read, play music, and study math and Russian. There are many children in her class. 

What is Ukraine?


Ramadan is celebrated in this country.

What is Tunisia?


This mountain range, the tallest in the world, is found in India. 

What are the Himalayas?


You might find people dressed like this at a celebration in this country.

What is Ukraine?


What is Tunisia?


The old part of this city is crowded with people. Covered markets called souks sell spices, carpets, jewellery, and many other items. The new part of the city is full of cars, trucks, and buses. 

What is Tunis?


You better expect to get colourfully dirty during this festival in India.

What is Holi?


This country is on a peninsula. Two of the bodies of water surrounding it are the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. 

What is India?


Potato potawto - the potato is the star of cuisine in this country. 

What is Peru?


This country's flag has 2 colours and the design is striped.

What is Peru? 


In this country, a child can play the team sport cricket, where players use a wooden bat to hit a ball. 

What is India?


During the Festival of the Sun, Peruvians celebrate this God by singing, dancing, and eating a massive feast.

What is Inti?


What are the Rainbow Mountains?


Women in this country often wear a sari, while men often wear turbans. 

What is India?


A symbol of Ukraine originates in a farm animal and is made around Easter time. The colours and design have different meanings.

What is Pysanky?


The capital city in this country is a busy and noisy place. There are museums, shops, and restaurants. Buses and cars move along the crowded streets. The traffic makes the air polluted. If you live on a farm, you might grow potatoes and quinoa (KEEN-wah), and use llamas to carry loads. 

What is Peru?