When are the best times to go to the bathroom and fill your water?
Morning, snack, and lunch
What should you do if you need a new white board marker?
Ask permission for a new one, do not take one.
Why is it important to be quiet in the hall?
To not disturb others
Stop immediately, no talking, eyes on Mrs. Sentner
What is my favorite food?
Finish the phrase "All Set" "_______"
whisper: you bet
What folder should your coloring pages go into?
Fun Folder
When should you sharpen your pencils?
When Mrs. Sentner or anyone else isn't talking/teaching (in the morning would be a great time to do it)
What do you do when Mrs. Sentner says "show me you're ready to line up"
Stand behind tucked in chair with desk cleared off and nothing on the ground around your desk. Wait for name to be called
Where am I from?
Boston, Massachusetts in the USA
What are your morning choices?
If no unfinished work...
1. read
2. draw
3. play quiet games
What 3 things do you need to take into the classroom in the morning?
Lunch box, water bottle, and message bag
Why do we tuck our chairs in? (Hint: 2 reasons)
1. For safety, so it is easier for people to walk without tripping.
2. So it looks clean and tidy.
What is the Me Too symbol used during Morning Meeting?
What animals do I have?
2 cats
When Mrs. Sentner says "silent secret clean-up," all students silently move around the classroom and clean up. They are looking for a mystery item or action to earn a sticker.
What happens during snack and lunch? When should you be out of your seat?
Everyone is sitting in their seats unless they are cleaning up, microwaving, using the bathroom, or filling their waters.
What can you do if you finish lunch early?
2. Color at the table or at your desk
As a group, you have to perfectly walk around the classroom as if it is the hallway.
What are my three favorite sports teams?
True or False: Things are only fair if they are equal
What are the 4 components of Morning Meeting?
1. Greeting
2. Share
3. Activity
4. Schedule and Announcements
Describe the end of day routine
1. Message bags get passed out.
2. Papers get passed out.
3. Clean up class including stacking chairs, straightening desks, and tidying the floor.
4. Stand behind desk, waiting to be called. Secret Student announced here.
5. When it is time to pack bags, take your water bottle, message bag, and lunch box with you.
6. Pack up your backpack.
7. Wait in the classroom to be dismissed.
Fully act out what you need to do to use the bathroom.
1. Look to see if the pass is there.
2. Use the hand symbol to ask permission from Mrs. Sentner.
3. Put the pass on your desk.
4. Use the washroom.
5. Put the pass back.
What is my favorite color?