The Start of Something New...
Best Friends Forever
Friend or Foe?
Brotherly Love

What time of year does the story take place?

End of summer, first day of school


What is Judy upset about most for the first day of school?

She does not have a T-shirt from going on vacation that has words on it.  


Who is Judy's best friend?



Who does Judy want to stay away from? Why?

Frank Pearl because it is rumored that he ate paste once.


Who is Judy's brother?



Who is Judy's teacher? What grade is she in?

Mr. Todd - 3rd grade


What is Judy's new pet? What does she name him?

Venus Fly Trap - Jaws 


What is the T.P club? How is it started?

The Toad Pee Club - it started because Judy, Rocky, and Stink were all peed on by a toad. 


What does Frank Pearl keep bothering Judy about?

He wants to know if she is going to go to his birthday party


What does Stink find on their walk to Vic's? What does he do with it? 

Moon Rock - he sells it in brown paper bags for 50 cents 


What is the first assignment Judy has to make in the 3rd grade?

Me Collage 


What does Judy collect?

Dead moths, scabs, designer band-aids, doll body parts 


What does Rocky buy at Vic's with his ten dollars? What do they do with it after?

He buys a rubber hand and they all use it to play a prank on Stink. 


How did Judy end up attending Frank Pearl's birthday party?

Judy and her dad bumped into Frank Pearl's mom at the pet store and she thought they were buying Frank Pearl his birthday gift. 


What did Stink do to Judy's Hedda-Get-Betta doll?

He broke it by making it stuck on the chicken pox face. 


What does Judy put on her Me Collage?

Pizza table, her favorite color (red), moon dust, glitter glue, band aids 


What does Judy order with her box tops from her bandaids?

She orders a Hedda-Get-Betta doll to practice being a doctor. 


What is the inside joke that Rocky and Judy have for when they go to Vic's store?

They cross over into China and Japan on their way over. 


What do Frank Pearl and Judy have in common?

They both like to collect different objects. 


Why is Judy jealous of Stink?

She is jealous because his class and her parents are going to Washington D.C


What is the disaster with Judy's collage at the end of the story? How does she fix it? 

Stink spills juice on her collage and she fixes it by making the stain into the shape of Virginia (for Jefferson Street, where she lives)


Who is Judy's role model? Why?

Elizabeth Blackwell - first female doctor 


Who is the author of this book?

Bonus: Who is the illustrator?

Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds 


How did Judy feel at the beginning of the birthday party and how did she feel at the end of the party? What caused the change?

At the beginning she did not want to be there and was very nervous. At the end, she was friends with Frank Pearl. She changed her mind because she found out he only ate paste on a dare and he collects cool things like she does. 


What does Judy, Rocky, and Frank Pearl do to Stink to prank him?

They put the rubber hand they bought from the store in the toilet.