The English word for "Le dragon"
What is dragon?
The English word for "le monstre"
What is monster?
The English word for "l'aile"
What is wing?
The English word for "courrir"
What is to run?
What is funny?
The English word for "le Coyote"
What is coyote?
The English word for "le phenix"
What is "Phoenix?"
What is beak?
The English word for "glisser"
What is to slide?
The English word for "beau/belle"
What is pretty?
The English word for "la licorne"
What is unicorn?
The English word for "Le Sasquatch"
What is sasquatch?
The English word for "la corne"
What is horn/antlers?
The English word for "grimper"
What is to climb?
What is kind?
The English word for "Le loup-garou"
What is werewolf?
The English word for "le serpent de mer"
The English word for "la jambe"
What is leg?
The English word for "nager"
What is to swim?
The English word for "incroyable"
What is incredible?
The English word for "le griffon"
What is griffon?
The English word for "les plumes"
What is feathers?
What is to fly?
The English word for "interessant(e)"
What is interesting?