Camping safety
Fire safety
Home Safety
General safety
Electrical safety

What are some dangers that you might encounter when camping?

Multiple answers possible


True or false, only the main floor of your house needs to have a smoke detector?

False, every floor needs to have a smoke detector.


True or false, you should always play outside without an adult knowing where you are?

False, you should always tell an adult before going outside


When do you call 9-1-1

In the event of an emergency


Your toast is stuck in your toaster, should you stick a metal fork in it to get it out?

No, never stick metal objects in electrical things


List 3 effects of touching poison ivy?

Redness, itchiness, swelling, blisters, difficulty breathing


True or false, you should always look for people inside your house when it is on fire.

False, you should get out of the house as quickly as possible and go to your meeting spot.


What could happen if you don't chew your food properly?

You could choke


What does safety mean?

Safety is when you keep things and people from getting hurt or out of harms way.


True or false, you should plug in a hair dryer near the bathtub

False, water and electricity don't mix well


How can you recognize poison ivy?

It has three leaflets on each leaf and grown as a bush or vine 


How often should you be testing your smoke alarms?

Every month to make sure they are working properly


If you can't reach something on a shelf, should you be standing on a chair?

No, you should ask an adult or get a ladder/step stool


What is a trusted adult and give an example?

Someone who is an adult that you know will look out for you. Ex: a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, policeman, teacher, etc.


What could happen if you plug too many things into an outlet?

It could spit sparks and start a fire


What are the 2 main things that you should bring with you when camping?

A whistle and a flashlight


List 2 things that you need to include in a fire escape plan?

A meeting spot, primary and secondary exits, etc.


What does WHMIS stand for? 

Workplace Hazardous Material Information Systems


When calling 9-1-1, what information do you need to give the operator?

Describe the emergency, give your name, address, the number that you are calling from, etc.


If a power line is damaged in a car accident, what should you do?

Stay in your car, but if you do need to get out, jump as far as you can without touching the car and ground at the same time.


If there is a fire and you are stuck in a room, what should you do?

Remain calm, make sure that the door is closed if possible. Put towels, shirts, sweaters, etc under the door to keep the smoke out. Remain low to the ground and wait for help to arrive. 

If there is no time to wait, find a secondary escape (ex: a window).


List 3 ways to stay safe at home

Multiple answers possible

Ex: Don't touch sharp knifes, always cook with an adult, pick up your toys when done with them, etc.


What are the 5 electrical rules that can keep you alive?

1. Never put metal objects into outlets or appliances

2. Don't plug too much stuff into one outlet

3. Never mix water and electricity

4. Stay away from power lines

5. Always stay away from transformers and substations