Main Idea and Point of View
Text Evidence and Making Inferences
Character Traits and Point of View

(1) Roger Greene came in 1st place at the spelling bee.  (2) His mother was in attendance.  (3) She beamed with pride when she saw the blue ribbon.  (4) Mrs. Greene collected her belongings and met Roger in the hallway.

Which sentence contains information about the emotions of Roger’s mother?

A.  Sentence 1
B.  Sentence 2
C.  Sentence 3
D.  Sentence 4

C.  Sentence 3


(3) She beamed with pride when she saw the blue ribbon.


Children between the ages of 3 – 5 need to learn basic skills before starting school.  LeapStart is an interactive learning system that gets kids excited about counting, learning to read, and problem solving. The magic behind LeapStart is a stylus that reads invisible dots on every page, triggering questions, challenges, songs, jokes and more. LeapStart helps kids build tomorrow’s skills today, in new imaginative ways. 

What is the main idea?

A.  LeapStart is for children between the ages of 3 – 5.
B.  LeapStart gets children excited about learning.  
C.  LeapStart has a stylus that reads invisible dots. 

D.  LeapStart is a fun way for children to get the skills they need.

D.  LeapStart is a fun way for children to get the skills they need.


Miss March assigned three math problems.  After the students were done, she demonstrated the answers on the board. 

What does “demonstrate” mean?

A.  To show
B.  To print
C.  To hope
D.  To assign

A.  To show


(1) Because the class was well-behaved, Mrs. Thomas handed out candy.  (2) She encouraged her students to share it with students from other classes during lunch.  (3) Mindy shared with Samantha and Sarah.  (4) Andrew ate all of his candy before lunch so he wouldn’t have to share it.  (5) Keith shared with his friend, Ben.

What sentence contains information about someone who is greedy?

A.  Sentence 2
B.  Sentence 3
C.  Sentence 4
D.  Sentence 5

C.  Sentence 4

(4) Andrew ate all of his candy before lunch so he wouldn’t have to share it.


The door opened with a bang.

“I know you are in there!” screamed Tim.

Silence filled  the room.  Ben was hiding under his bed.

“Gottcha!” yelled Tim as he looked under the bed.

“I like hide and seek!” laughed Ben.

Which is the point of view?

A.  1st person
B.  3rd person

B.  Third person

Although the pronoun “I” is used, it is only part of the dialogue, not the narration.  The narrator uses the names “Ben” and  “Tim”, not “I”.  Since the narrator isn’t using the pronoun “I”, it is 3rd person.

In order for it to be 1st person, it would have had to say something like this:

I am hiding under the bed.  I really like this game!


(1) Have you ever heard of the Startup Aims?  (2) They can be found on college campuses and in recreational areas.  (3) This self-driving golf cart is becoming very popular.  
(4) It will soon take the place of mini-buses. 

Which sentence contains the definition of a Startup Aims?

A.  Sentence 1
B.  Sentence 2
C.  Sentence 3
D.  Sentence 4

C. Sentence 3


(3) This self-driving golf cart is becoming very popular.


I must decide between a small or large dog.  I have to admit, I like having a small dog on my lap while watching television.  On the other hand, it is beneficial to have a larger dog for protection.  Personally, I don’t think I see a large dog in my future.  My apartment is just too small.  Making decisions like this is often difficult.

What reason did the author provide for NOT wanting a large dog?

A.  He didn’t want to have a dog on his lap.
B.  He wants to have a dog for protection.
C.  He wants to wait until the future to buy a dog.
D.  He thinks his apartment is too small. 

D.  He thinks his apartment is too small.


The best time to take outdoor pictures is at dusk.  At that time, the light is perfect for picture taking.   

What does the word “dusk” mean?

A.  During the morning
B.  During the afternoon
C.  The time between day and night
D.  The time between night and day

C.  The time between day and night


(1) Maribelle was running late.  (2) She grabbed her books and ran to the car. (3) She started backing out of the driveway, and suddenly stopped. (4) She ran back inside and got her raincoat and umbrella.  (5) She went back into the car and drove away.

What can you infer about this situation? 

A.  Maribelle arrived early.  
B.  Maribelle forgot her books.  
C.  Maribelle saw a squirrel in her driveway.    
D.  Maribelle noticed that it was going to rain.

D.  Maribelle noticed that it was going to rain.


(4) She ran back inside and got her raincoat and umbrella.


Mr. Irvington called out the names of his students on the first day of school.  Tommy made a joke when his name was called.  Jill said “here”, but you could barely hear her voice, and she was looking at the ground.  Samantha laughed when her name was called, and asked if she could change her seat.

What is the BEST character trait for Jill?

 A.  Outgoing

B.  Timid

C.  Enthusiastic

D.  Short-tempered

B.  Timid

Jill said “here”, but you could barely hear her voice, and she was looking at the ground.


(1) Kendra put her new daisy plants on the window sill.  (2) She opened the curtains so they could get plenty of sun.  (3) She gave them plenty of fertilizer. (4) She watered them several times a day. (5) She never noticed the warning note.  (6) It said to give them plenty of sunshine, but very little water.  (7) The leaves turned brown and the plants eventually died.

What sentence reveals Kendra’s mistake?

A.  Sentence 1
B.  Sentence 2
C.  Sentence 3
D.  Sentence 4

D.  Sentence 4

(4) She watered them several times a day.


The Persian cat is a long-haired breed with a round face and short muzzle.  People love their soft fur.  They also like their affectionate nature.  According to statistics from 2017, more people bought Persians over any other breed of cat. 

What is the main idea?

A.  The Persian is a very popular cat.
B.  The Persian cat has long hair.
C.  Persian cats have round faces.
D.  Persian cats have short muzzles.

A.  The Persian is a very popular cat.


What does the word “vacant” mean?

A.  Strange
B.  Loud
C.  Late
D.  Empty

D.  Empty


(1) The sign up sheet for basketball tryouts was on the gym door.  (2) Bob noticed it as he was walking back to class.  (3) That night, he finished all of his homework quickly.
(4) He spent two hours practicing basketball.  
(5) Afterwards, he sat on his couch and watched a basketball game with his father for a few minutes.

What sentence contains the BEST proof that Bob wants to make the team?

A.  Sentence 2
B.  Sentence 3
C.  Sentence 4
D.  Sentence 5

C.  Sentence 4

● (4) He spent two hours practicing basketball.


Stan said something to Juan that hurt his feelings.  Juan moved his tray to another table, pretending not to show his emotions.

Anna saw it all, but didn’t hear what was said.  She moved her tray to Juan’s table.  Before long, they were laughing and joking.

Stan walked by and said something else.  Anna and Juan put their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing.  Stan walked away, his mission was not accomplished this time!

What character trait did Juan gain?

A.  Intimidation
B.  Sadness
C.  Anger

D.  Tolerance 



He learned not to let Stan’s negative comments bother him.


(1)People want to get in shape.  (2) But, they don’t always want to go to the gym.  (3) Sometimes they don’t have the time to spare.  (4) Other times they feel tired.  (5) However, if people want to get in shape, they must take the time and effort to go to the gym.  (6) Do you want to get in shape?


Which sentence is a summary of the paragraph?

A.  Sentence 1
B.  Sentence 2
C.  Sentence 5
D.  Sentence 6

C. Sentence 5

(5) However, if people want to get in shape, they must take the time and effort to go to the gym.


(1) Why do people diagram sentences? (2) Diagramming helps students master basic grammar.  (3) It forces them to pick apart a sentence piece by piece.  (4) They have to know the part of speech of a word, before deciding where to put it. (5) Diagramming is fun!

What sentence is the main idea?

A.  Sentence 1
B.  Sentence 2
C.  Sentence 3
D.  Sentence 4

B.  Sentence 2


(2) Diagramming helps students master basic grammar.


Margie thought the movie was remarkable. 

What is a synonym for “remarkable”?

A.  Extraordinary
B.  Appropriate
C.  Peculiar
D.  Severe

A.  Extraordinary


(1) I had so much fun with Holly last night!  (2) We met on the corner near the gas station.  (3) We bought tickets and some popcorn.  (4) Afterwards, we made plans to see each other soon. (5) I was home and in my bed by 10 o’clock. 

What sentence shows where they spent the evening?
(Using an inference)

A.  Sentence 2
B.  Sentence 3
C.  Sentence 4
D.  Sentence 5

B.  Sentence 3


3) We bought tickets and some popcorn.


Miss Brown went from row to row handing back the essays.  Tanya obviously got an A, since she did a fist pump when she saw her paper.  Alex quickly put the paper away, so no one could see it.  I hope I get a good grade.  Here she comes!

What is the point of view?

A.  1st Person
B.  3rd Person

A.  1st Person

In the beginning, it seemed like 3rd person.  The pronoun “she” was even used to describe Tanya.  But at the end it said:

I hope I get a good grade.

This is not part of the dialogue.  It is not a quotation.  It is the narrator speaking using the pronoun “I”, which makes it 1st person.


(1) Jennifer opened her mailbox and took out the letter.  (2) When she looked at the return address, her eyes sparkled.  (3) She brought the letter into the house and sat down on the couch.  
(4) Finally, she read the letter.

Which sentence BEST reveals how Jennifer feels?

A.  Sentence 1
B.  Sentence 2
C.  Sentence 3
D.  Sentence 4

B.  Sentence 2

(2) When she looked at the return address, her eyes sparkled.


(1) A Caracal is a small, wild cat.  (2) They are very good hunters.  (3) They are fast and make very little noise.  (4) They also have strong back legs and can jump up to six feet in the air.  (5) Caracals are one of  over 30 species of small wild cats.

What TWO sentences show WHY Caracals are good hunters?

A.  1 and 2
B.  2 and 5
C.  3 and 4
D.  4 and 5

C.  3 and 4

● (3) They are fast and make very little noise.  
(4) They also have strong back legs and can jump up to six feet in the air.


The water in the pool was very deep.

What is an antonym for “deep”?

A.  Plentiful
B.  Shallow
C.  Entire
D.  Considerable

B.  Shallow


(1)Nora called in sick.  (2) She packed everything that she needed.  (3) After searching for a few minutes, she found a place to park.  (4) Nora really enjoyed her day off.  (5) The next day she came  to work with sunburn.  (6) Her friends noticed right away. 


What can you infer about Nora’s day?

A.  Nora spent the day going to the doctor.
B.  Nora spent the day moving to another place.
C.  Nora spent the day looking for a parking space.
D.  Nora spent the day at the beach. 

D.Nora spent the day at the beach.


(She came to work with sunburn the next day.)


Jessica wanted to be a good student like her older sister, Jenna.  Jenna always got A’s, whereas Jessica mostly received B’s.  Jessica asked her sister for help.  Jenna taught her how to take good notes, and what to study every night.  By the end of the year, Jessica had mostly A’s!  Jenna was very proud of the progress Jessica made.

What character trait did Jessica gain?

Determination.  She was determined to succeed and she did!