Prophet Yūsuf’s (ʿa)
Prophet Mūsā (ʿa)
Prophet Dāwūd (ʿa)
Prophet Sulaymān (ʿa)
Prophets Zakariyyā (ʿa) and Yahya ('a)

How did Prophet Yūsuf (ʿa) get to Egypt?

He was found by a caravan of traders who took him to Egypt.


Why did Prophet Mūsā (ʿa) go up Mount Sinai?

To bring laws from Allah.


when did Prophet Dāwūd (ʿa) become the king of the Banī Isrāʾīl?

After Ṭālūt died.


What was Prophet Sulaymān (ʿa)'s birds name?

Hud Hud.


Why was Prophet Zakariyyā (ʿa) sad?

Because he has no son.


When did Prophet Yaʿqūb (ʿa) regained his eyesight?

after he placed Prophet Yūsuf’s (ʿa) shirt on his face.


What two miracles did Allah give Prophet Mūsā (ʿa)?

His staff (walking-stick) turned into a serpent and back into a staff

A light began to glow from his hand


Another name for Jālūt is ______________________.



Prophet Sulaymān (ʿa) had the ability to understand the language of _____________________________.

Birds and Animals.


Prophet Zakariyyā (ʿa) was the descendant of which Prophet?

Prophet Ya'qub ('a)


Why was Prophet Yūsuf (ʿa) released from prison?

Because he was able to interpret the king’s dream.


What was the mission of Prophet Mūsā (ʿa)?

Release all the Israelites (people of Banī Isrāʾīl) and take them out of Egypt


What was the name of the the leader of the Palestinians? 



What did the Queen of Sheba and her people worship?

The sun.

What was one of the good qualities mentioned of the Prophet known as John the Baptist, in the Bible?

He was always kind to his parents and never spoke to them harshly


What did the prisoners dream and what interpretation did Prophet Yūsuf (ʿa) give for their dreams?

One dreamt he was crushing grapes, he will soon be released from prison and will go back to his old job of serving wine for the king. The other carried bread on his head, with birds pecking at in his dream, and Prophet Yūsuf (ʿa) interpreted this to mean that he will be killed.


What happened in the contest with the magicians?

Prophet Mūsā’s (ʿa) snake ate all the other snakes, and so the magicians became followers of Allah’s religion


What book did Allah reveal to Prophet Dāwūd (ʿa)?

the Zabur


What did Prophet Sulaymān (ʿa) have built before the arrival of the queen

A glass palace

Who was Herodya and why did she become this Prophet’s (ʿa) enemy?

She was the niece of Herodotus (Emperor of Palestine). She wanted to marry Herodotus to become queen, but Prophet Yaḥyā (ʿa) objected to the marriage


What did the king dream and what interpretation did Prophet Yūsuf (ʿa) give for his dream?

He dreamt that seven fat cows were being eaten by seven thin ones. Prophet Yūsuf (ʿa) told him there would be seven years of many crops and food, then a famine for seven years.


What punishment did the Israelites get for disobeying Prophet Mūsā (ʿa) by not fighting for their land?

They were forced to wander in the desert for 40 years.


What was the miracle Allah gifted to Prophet Dāwūd (ʿa)? 

Allah gifted him with the miracle of bending iron; iron was as soft as wax in his hands, and he used to make special, light-weight battle armor made of iron ringlets joined together.


How did the glass palace show the queen what Prophet Sulaymān (ʿa) was trying to say?

He was showing her that things are not always what they seem, and even if the sun she worshipped was the most powerful thing that could be seen, it was Allah who created it.


What was the miracle that took place after the death of Prophet Yaḥyā (ʿa) and how did it stop?

The sacred blood of Prophet Yaḥyā (ʿa) flowed where it fell until Bakht un-Nasr invaded Palestine and avenged his innocent blood.