Author's Purpose
Predicting Outcomes
Text Structure
The circus lion was very hungry. "Why don't you eat the clown?" The elephant suggested. "I can't," the lion said."He'll leave a funny taste in my mouth!"
What is to entertain.
Kevin liked ice cream very much. He liked it so much that he bought two ice creams. He ate one. He put the other in his lunch box. He wanted to eat it when he got home in an hour.
What is the ice cream in the lunch box will melt.
The Charleston was a dance that was popular in the 1920's. It was a fast dance. You moved your feet back and forth and swung your arms in front of you. You leaned forward while you moved your arms and legs. You stood back from your partner.
What is descriptive.
* You can find me in almost every classroom acrosss the country. * Some people carry me in backpacks, purses, or baby bags, just in case. * I clean just as well as soap, but I don't require any water.
What is hand sanitizer.
Dear Kitten Owner, You will need to take good care of your kitten to keep it healthy and happy. Kittens need fresh food every day. They also need fresh water. Make sure to wash their water and food bowls every day. Clean the litter box, too. Give them a warm place to sleep. Give them plenty of love.
What is to inform.
Kaylee liked a beach called Star Beach. She could play in the sand along the ocean. There were many waves. One day, she dug a deep hole. She waited as the ocean water kept coming closer to the hole.
What the hole will fill up with water.
Housepainters can finish a whole house in just days. They work in a specific pattern. FIrst, they scrape the old paint. After that, they use primer to get the wood ready for new paint. After that dries, they paint the first coat. Once that's dry, they finish the final coat.
What is sequence.
* You usually don't bring me home on the weekends. * I am done at home, but sometimes your teacher might let you work on me in class. * I should be finished before you play video games or go outside and play
What is homework.
Foxes Make Great Pets Here is why I think that foxes should be allowed as pets: 1) They are really cute. 2) They are small. 3) They don't make a lot of noise. Now, don't you think that foxes would make great pets?
What is to persuade.
Isaac likes to eat out with his family. Today, they are going to a small place to eat. The restaurant serves only hot dogs, hamburgers, and pizza. Isaac doesn't like hot dogs or hamburgers. He likes pizza very much.
What is Isaac will order pizza.
Why is it warmer during the day than at night? The sun is made of hot, burning gas. During the day, the heat makes it all the way to Earth. At night, Earth has moved so that the sun's rays do not hit it. That is why it is colder at night.
What is cause/effect.
* You might beg your parents to buy me when you see me at the grocery store check out. * I am not allowed in most elementary schools because kids accidentally stick me in their hair and under desks. * Many parents don't like me because kids can't help but smack me.
What is gum.
You Are Invited! What: Brianna's 7th Birthday Party When: Saturday, February 13 Where: The Forest County Zoo What to wear: Comfortable walking shoes and a hat See you there!
What is to inform.
Olivia wants to grow a plant. She takes a small pot of dirt. She plants the seed. Then she waters it and gives it sunlight. She takes care of the planted seed each day.
What is a plant will grow.
Some rivers are deep, with water that moves fast. Long ago, people worried about how to get across them. They didn't want to be swept away in the water. They chopped down large trees that would fall across the water. This made a bidge. People could then cross safely.
What is problem/solution.
* Sometimes, you have to push a button to get me and other times, you just have to wave your hand, and I appear. * Many kids use too many of me, and other kids use their pants instead of using me. * I am usually brown or white.
What is paper towel.
Dear Principal Quigley, Why can't I bring my pet tarantula to school again? People can bring dogs, cats, hamsters, and bunnies to school! It's not fair! My tarantula doesn't bite. Besides, he can't get out of his cage uless someone lets him out. And I promise I won't do that anymore! Please let me bring Harry, my tarantula to school! Sincerely, Jada
What is to persuade.
Daniella got a small rabbit as a gift for her birthday. She named the rabbit Billy Bunny. Each day, she fed Billy Bunny a lot of food. Billy Bunny liked eating and always wanted more. So Daniella fed Billy Bunny even more.
What is Billy Bunny will get fat.
Louis Braille was blind. He read books by tracing raised letters, but it was hard to do. How could he create an easier way for blind people to read? He struggled to create a code that was easier to use than the old method. Louis was eventually successful. He used patterns of six raised dots for letters and words.
What is problem/solution.
* I am used by students every day of the school year, but not usually i the summer. * There is a public one of me in every city that anyone can visit whenever they want. * If you don't return what you borrow from me, you might have to pay a fine.
What is library.