Divide the word 'happen' into syllables.
What is hap/pen?
Divide the word 'soften' into syllables.
What is sof/ten?
What is the meaning of the word abrupt
What is 'to stop suddenly?'
Define persuade
What is "to convince someone."
What word means the same as 'revise'?
A. to fix
B. to make fun of
C. to try
What is A. to fix?
Which of the following words has 3 syllables?
A. rescue
B. firetruck
C. customer
What is C. customer?
Which of the following words has 4 syllables?
A. container
B. forgetfulness
C. firefly
What is B. forgetfulness?
Tell the purpose of the main idea
What is to tell the central message of the story
Define quaint
What is 'something that is unusual and pleasing in an old fashioned way."
What is a prefix
What is, 'a group of letters added to the beginning of a word?'
Which of the following words has the least syllables?
A. following
B. spread
C. market
What is B. spread?
Divide the word 'tentacle' into syllables.
What is ten/ta/cle?
Which of these words does not have a prefix?
A. reprint
B. preheat
C. mock
What is 'mock'?
What does the suffix -ed tell a reader?
What is 'something that happened in the past?'
State the steps to "unwrap"
What is
- underline the title
-number the paragraph
-walk through the questions
-read the text
-answer questions and prove the text.
Divide the word 'available' into syllables.
What is a/vail/a/ble?
Divide the word 'eagle' into syllables.
What is ea/gle?
Summarize means
What is a 'to tell a shortened version of the story with the most important parts.'
Meaning of the prefix 're'.
What is 'to do again?'
What are: closed, open, VcE, Vowel Teams, R-Controlled, -CLE?
Divide the word 'incredible' into syllables.
What is in/cred/i/ble?
Divide the word 'considerable' into syllables.
What is con/sid/er/a/ble?
The prefix -un means
What is 'not?'
Define 'sensitive'.
What is 'easily affected by a slight change.'
Define persist.
A. a stage in a series of changes.
B. to remember
C. to keep trying.
What is C. to keep trying?