Types of Rocks
Weathering & Erosion
Anything of
this unit
Renewable and
energy sources

Think about images of the rock cycle which explains the change of one form of rock into another.  When does the rock cycle come to an end?



Minerals can be formed in different ways. What is one way that minerals form?

A through the weathering of rocks

B through the crystallization of magma

C through processing in chemical factories

D through the action of bacteria on decaying matter


What is through the crystallization of magma?


Is it weathering or erosion when rock particles are carried away by wind or water?

What is erosion?


Is it weathering or erosion when the water freezes in a crack of a rock?

What is weathering?


Devin’s family is building a house. His parents want to use a renewable energy source to provide energy for the house. Which of the following could they use?

A coal

B natural gas

C oil

D solar energy


What is D solar energy?


Sheila is classifying the rocks in her collection. She knows that limestone often contains fossils. In which category of rock should she classify these rocks?

What is sedimentary?


In science class, Emily was given a sample of mica to study. Emily drew the diagram below to show how mica breaks into sheets or layers. Which property of mica does the diagram show?

What is cleavage?


Joshua spends the day at the beach with his family. He finds some smooth stones in the sand. What process causes such stones to become smooth?

What is weathering?


Florida has many natural resources. Which of these Florida resources is the MOST important for the survival of Florida’s residents?

A natural spring water

B miles of coastline

C sugar and beef

D phosphorus and silica


What is A natural spring water?


Oil, which can be found in Florida, is used in many different products. For example, beach umbrellas, hand lotions, and even clothing are all made from oil. If you use a product made from oil, what type of resource are you using?

What is nonrenewable?


Tamika creates a visual display for her science project on metamorphic rocks. She draws Earth surface at the top and below puts many layers of rocks with the force of gravity pushing down and at the bottom magma/lava sending heat upwards. What natural forces cause rocks to change into metamorphic rocks?

What is heat from lava(molten rock) below and pressure form above?


Minerals can be sorted based on their hardness. The Mohs’ scale lists the hardness of specific minerals. Which statement BEST explains how scientists use the Mohs’ scale to help them determine a mineral’s hardness?

A No two minerals have the same hardness.

B Minerals with the same hardness are usually the same color.

C A mineral can scratch another mineral only if it has a lower hardness.

D Minerals will scratch other minerals only if they have the same hardness


C A mineral can scratch another mineral only if it has a lower hardness.


Wind, like water, can cause erosion. Which of the following choices is an example of wind erosion?

A alluvial fan

B moraine

C sand dunes

D tides


What is C sand dunes?


Eric uses a hand lens to look closely at the surface of a piece of granite. He notices large crystals in the rock that glitter in the sunlight. What is Eric probably seeing?



Benjamin’s family lives on a farm in Florida. There is this tall structure with 3 blades/arms that turns in a circle. Based on the the description what type of energy is the family producing?


What is renewable or wind energy?


Mount St. Helens, located in southwest Washington State, erupted on May 18th, 1980. The lava from this eruption had temperatures near 660 °F. What category of rock is formed when the lava quickly cools?

What is igneous?


The table below shows the characteristics of four minerals. 

Mineral     Hard or Soft    Shiny or Dull    Weight 

W                   Soft              Shiny              4g

X                   Hard              Shiny              6g

Y                   Hard                Dull              3g

Z                   Hard                Dull              8 g Characteristics of Minerals Which minerals are most likely the same kind?

What is Minerals Y and Z because have the same properties of hard and dull?


Some kinds of weathering and erosion cause landforms to change quickly. Other kinds cause change slowly. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A Sinkholes appear slowly.

B Landslides cause change slowly.

C Glaciers create landforms slowly.

D Hurricanes change landforms slowly.


What is C Glaciers create landforms slowly?


Ben is starting a rock collection. He makes a section for igneous rocks. Which of these pairs of rocks should be labeled as igneous rocks? 

A conglomerate and marble

B granite and gabbro

C limestone and shale

D quartzite and gneiss

What is B granite and gabbro?


Chloe often tells her brother to turn off the lights in their home. She tells him it is important to conserve energy. Why is it important to conserve energy?

A Energy cannot be purchased in small amounts.

B Energy most often comes from renewable resources.

C Energy most often comes from nonrenewable resources.

D Energy is very difficult to bring into the home.


What is C Energy most often comes from nonrenewable resources?


Karen's mom buys a pumice stone at the store. She uses it to smooth rough patches of skin on her feet. She accidentally dropped the pumice in her bath water and was surprised to see the stone float. What type of rock and why does this kind of rock float?

What is igneous because it is formed from lava which has lots of gas bubbles?


One physical property of a mineral is its hardness. A harder mineral can scratch a softer mineral. The table below shows a scale that rates the hardness of minerals. For example, diamond, with a hardness rating of 10, is the hardest mineral. Diamond can scratch corundum, which has a hardness rating of 9. However, corundum cannot scratch diamond. A mineral called beryl can scratch quartz but not topaz. What is the hardness rating of beryl? 

Mineral              Hardness rating     

apatite                       5

orthoclase                  6

quartz                        7

topaz                         8

corundum                  9

diamond                    10

What is 7.5?


The flow of water can cause soil erosion. Image an image of the side of a hill next to a house and what appears to be a place where water has washed away soil from the top of the hill to the bottom after a heavy rain. If the homeowner wants to stop the process of erosion, what can he or she do?

A Plant grass.

B Install a sprinkler.

C Fill the hole with dirt.

D Put in a chain-link fence

What is A Plant grass?


Many rocks contain gaps or cracks. Image looking at a crack in the rock where a plant is growing. Notice the relationship between the rock and the plant. Which statement describes what will happen to the rock and the plant over time? Is this weathering or erosion?

What is the plant will grow, and the crack will get bigger  due to weathering?


Florida has two main oil-producing areas. About how long does it take for oil to form?

A more than 1,000 years

B about 100 years

C about 10 years

D less than 1 year


What is A more than 1,000 years?