The bottom number of a fraction.
What is denominator?
The answer to a subtraction problem.
What is difference?
The answer to a multiplication problem.
What is product?
In the number 4,829, which digit is in the hundreds place?
What is 8?
The rounding rules.
What is:
5 or above, give it a shove
4 or below, let it go
Name a fraction that equals cannot use 1 in your answer.
What is any number over itself?
25 - 23
What is 2?
9 x 8
What is 72?
In the number 7,528 what number is in the 1,000 place?
What is 7?
Round 3,456 to the nearest hundred.
What is 3,500?
Turn the whole number 5 into a fraction.
What is 5/1?
157 - 68
What is 89?
23 x 8
What is 184?
What is the place value of the digit 3 in 93,215?
What is ten thousands?
Round 67,892 to the nearest thousand.
What is 68,000?
5 x 3/4
What is 15/4 or 3 3/4?
343 - 199
What is 144?
59 x 24
What is 1,416?
True or False: In 32,185, the digit 2 is in the hundreds place.
What is false?
Round 249,876 to the nearest hundred thousand.
What is 200,000?
7/9 x 6
What is 42/9 or 4 6/9?
1204 - 799
What is 405?
547 x 15
What is 8,205?
A number has a 4 in the hundreds place, a 7 in the thousands place, a 3 in the tens place, and a 9 in the ones place. What is the number?
What is 7,439?
Round 567,432 to the nearest ten thousand.
What is 570,000?