True or false: Our brains are wired to be negative.
True! This is called the negativity bias
What is empathy?
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes, feeling their emotions along with them.
True or False: We can only feel one emotion at a time
False! We can feel LOTS of emotions at the same time
What colour is Ms. Gibson's hair?
What 3 things help us know what someone is feeling?
Their facial expression, tone of voice or body language.
We don't have to be friends with everyone, but we have to _________ everyone!
Name 2 ways we feel anger in our bodies
Feeling hot, sweating, shaky, clenched fists, tense muscles, fast heartbeat, etc.
What is Ms. Gibson's first name?
What is a personal strength? Give an example.
Something we are good at. Ex: artistic, athletic, compassionate, leadership, kindness, etc.
Is all stress bad?
No, some stress is good for us when trying new things or getting excited.
Name 3 out of our 6 basic emotions
Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Surprise, Fear and Disgust
What is Ms. Gibson's favourite colour(s)?
Blue and purple
What is a stereotype?
Belief about others based on their belonging to a certain group
Why is it important to include everyone?
Everyone deserves to feel welcome, safe and respected
Everyone has strengths and if we exclude people we can miss out on the wonderful things they have to offer
What 3 animals can we be during a conflict?
Owl, Turtle or Shark
True or False: Ms. Gibson has 3 cats
False! Ms. Gibson has one fat, old cat
Name 2 out of the 4 different kinds of communication
Passive, Aggressive, Assertive and Passive-Aggressive
What is a belief and what is an opinion?
A belief is based on our cultural and personal experiences, something that is important to us. (Ex. We should respect our elders)
An opinion is something you personally think but others may not agree with. (Ex. Blue is the best colour)
A _______ is something that happens to make us angry
Ms. Gibson lives in Wetaskiwin right now. What other city has she lived in?
Calgary! Go Flames