A child without parents
This character was a less-fortunate and was named after a grocery store, who likes peanut butter and has a pathological fear of thunder storms
Winn- Dixie !
Where does the story take place?
Niaomi, Florida
What is the name of the trailer park Opal and the preacher live in?
Friendly Corners Trailer Park
Someone who is going through pain or a difficult time
When her father was a missionary in India
At what age did Opal’s mother leave her?
She left when Opal was three years old
What war did Miss. franny Block‘s great grandfather Littmus Block fight in when he was young?
Civil war
Opal’s first human friend who got a library for her birthday
Miss. Franny Block
What is the secret ingredient inside the littmus lozenge?
What does Opal compare the Littmus Lozenge to?
Life and how it is also sweet and sad at the same time
Stars make shapes in the sky
He is the leader of the Open Arms Baptist Church and in the beginning of the story he was compared to a turtle hiding in his turtle shell.
The Preacher
What does Opal call the Dewberry brothers before getting to know them?
Bald headed babies
What did Opal plant with Gloria Dump?
A Wait and See Tree
A prayer
Cannot see very well and instead sees with her heart. She has a mistake tree in her garden to Keep the mistakes of her past away.
Gloria Dump
What was the manager going to call when he saw a dog running around in his grocery store?
The pound
Why did Opal go to Jail?
He was getting in trouble for playing music and hit A cop when they were trying to take his guitar from him.