Complete the Pattern
Pattern Word Problems
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Complete the Pattern 2.0
Complete the pattern for 3, 6, 9, __, __, ___
What is 12, 15, 18?
The rule for the pattern 5, 7, 9, 11 is ..
What is start at 5, add 2?

If each rose has 6 petals, if I were to create a table on the the number of roses and the number of petals, then I can see the fourth rose will have a total count of petals of...

What is roses pattern -> 1, 2, 3, 4 and then petals pattern -> 6, 12, 18, 24 so 24 petals!!


Sasha saw 1 bird on Friday, 3 birds on Saturday, 5 birds on Sunday, and 7 birds on Monday. If this pattern continues, how many birds will she see on Tuesday?

What is 9?


Complete the pattern 11, 22, 33, ___, ____, ____

What is 44, 55, 66?

Complete the pattern for 10, 15, 20, __, __, __
What is 25, 30, 35?
The rule for the pattern 9, 14, 19 is..
What is start at 9, add 5?

If each player gets 10 birdies to practice their badminton skills. If I create a table containing the pattern for players and birdies, I can see that if 6 players are on the court then the total count of birdies on the court is...

What is players pattern -> 1,2,3,4,5,6 and birdies pattern -> 10,20,30,40,50,60 so 60 birdies on the court?


Natalia found 3 worms. She then started digging and found 5 worms every minute. How many worms will she have after 5 minutes?

What is 28?


Complete the pattern for 60, 55, 50, ___, ___, ___

What is 45, 40, 35?


Complete the pattern for 7, 13, __, __, __..

What is 19, 25, 31?

The rule for the pattern 23, 20, 17, 14 is..
What is start at 23, subtract 3?

If each horse needs 4 horse shoes and I create a table. I can determine that if there are 3 horses in the barn, the total count of horse shoes would be...

What is horse patterns -> 1, 2, 3 and horse shoe pattern is -> 4, 8, 12 so there are a total of 12 horse shoes in the barn?


A restaurant served 200 people on Sunday. If they serve 100 people each day after that, how many total people will they serve by Thursday?

What is 600?


Complete the pattern for 42, 38, 34, ___, ___, ___

What is 30, 26, 22?

Complete the pattern for 14, 21, __, __....
What is 28, 35?

The rule for the pattern 31, 22, 13, 4 is ….

What is start at 31, subtract 9?


A basketball player needs to drink 8 glasses of water a day! If I create a table on days and glasses of water, I can see after a 3 days, the player will have drank..

What is days pattern -> 1,2,3, and glasses pattern -> 8,16,24?


Michael helps rescue 5 stray cats each week. How many total stray cats will he help after 5 weeks?

What is 25?


Complete the pattern for 22, 29, 36, ___, ___, ___

What is 43, 50, 57?


Complete the pattern for 27, 28, 31, 36, ___, ___, ___ ….

What is 43, 52, 63?


The rule for the pattern 92, 82, 73, 65 is..

What is start at 92, subtract 10, then subtract 1 more each time?


Tim plays video games for 5 hours each day. If I create a table on number of days and hours played, I can see that on the 10th day, he will have played a total hours of ….

What is days -> 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and hours -> 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 for a total 50 hours?


Zack saves 7 dollars each week. How much money will he have after 9 weeks?

What is 63?


Complete the pattern for 100, 88, 78, 70, ___, ___, ___

What is 64, 60, 58?