Physical Science
Life Science
Earth Science
Space Science
Type of metal that is attracted to a magnet
What is iron?
A tuna is an ocean fish that is well adapted to catching small, fast-moving prey. Which of the following adaptations most helps a tuna swim fast to catch its prey? A. large fins B. sharp teeth C. small gills D. tough scales
What is large fins?
Owen tested a physical property of a mineral. He rubbed a mineral sample on a piece of white tile. The mineral left a red mark on the tile. He was trying to determine this property of minerals.
What is streak?
It takes approxiamately this amount of time for the Earth to orbit the sun
What is one year (365 1/4 days)?
Term for a material that allows electricity to travel through it
What is conductor?
Which of the following best represents one particular stage in a life cycle? A. a fish swimming B. a seed sprouting C. a leaf growing D. a dog eating
If a rock could be described as having very small grains of sand in different layers, it would probably be this type of rock.
What is sedimentary?
The purpose of a sundial is to show this.
What is time of day?
In the water cycle, rain, snow, or sleet falling to the ground is a form of this.
What is precipitation?
A student hears the sound of a bell. This carries the sound of the bell to the student.
What is vibrating air?
Term for how plants use energy from sunlight.
What is photosynthesis? (when the make their own food)
The type of rock formed when hot lava cools.
What is igneous?
Judy observed a new moon in the sky on a Tuesday evening. She will need to wait this many days until she sees the next new moon.
What is 28 days?
Molten rock that reaches Earth's surface
What is lava?
Term for when a liquid changes to a solid.
What is freezing?
Many bacteria are decomposer organisms. The reason why they connect the food chain.
What is the return the nutrients back into the soil in order to help the plants grow?
These are frozen, slow-moving rivers of ice that can move about three feet per day down mountain valleys. As they travel, they scrape small particles off of rocks which later helps create new soil.
What is a glacier?
The reason why we have different seasons on Earth. The answer has two parts....
What is Earth orbits the sun on its axis?
In the engineering design process, the term used for the rough draft of a new technology being created.
What is prototype?
Term for what happens when you put two like poles near one another.
What is repel?
A behavior that an organism inherits
What is instinct?
A naturally occurring, nonliving solid that has a specific chemical makeup and a repeating structure. An example is most gemstones.
What is mineral?
The reason why stars and the sun appear to move across the Earth's sky.
What is the Earth is rotating on its axis?
The process for moving sediment by wind, moving water, or ice.
What is erosion?