Chapter 2: Citizenship, Culture, and Social Life (Units 1 & 2)
Chapter 2: Citizenship, Culture, and Social Life (Units 1 & 2)

Chapter 2: Citizenship, Culture, and Social Life (Unit 3)
Chapter 1: Religion
Chapter 3: Economics

What are two characteristics of a Good Citizen?

Honesty, Discipline and Responsibility, Harmony, Listening to others' opinions, Fairness and generosity.

What is the difference between a right and a priviledge?

Rights are things that everyone has, just because they are a person. These rights can’t be taken away from you.

Privileges are special things that you can do or use, but they can be taken away. Privileges are not rights that everyone has.


How many provinces are there in Thailand?

There are 76 provinces in Thailand.


What are 3 of the 5 parts that all religions have in common?

Founder, Doctrine, Priest or monk, religious place, symbol


What are the four factors of production?

Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneur


Which Indian historical figure did we read about to see how he was a good citizen?

Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi


Please name at least two of the four children's rights we learned about this semester.

Right to live
Right to be developed

Right to be protected

Right to participate


What are the three branches of Local Administration?

Provincial Administrative Organization (PAO), Municipality, and Sub-district Administrative Organization (SAO)


What are the three monotheistic religions we learned about this semester?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam


What are two different types of land in our factors of production?

Agricultural Land and Commercial Land


How can you define the word "Democracy"?

A form of government where people vote for their government.


What is a Hierarchy?

A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status.


Which two places in Thailand have special administrations?

Bangkok (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration)

Pattaya City (The Pattaya Administration) 


The doctrine of Christianity is called the Bible. What are the two parts that make up the Bible?

The Old Testament (39 books) and the New Testament (27 books).


Please give definitions for the following words:
Supply & Demand

Supply: How much product a business has.

Demand: How much people are willing to pay for it.


What is the difference between "Higher Social Roles" & "Lower Social Roles"?

Higher Social Role = more useful to society and/or popular/well-known

Lower Social Role = Less useful to society and/or unpopular/unknown


What is a constitution?

A set of rules and principles that outlines how a country is governed.


Who is the current governor of Bangkok?

Chadchart Sittipunt


Who is the leader of a Mosque?

An Imam is the leader of a Mosque.

What is the difference between Physical Markets and Industry "Markets"?

Physical Markets:

Real places where businesses compete 

Industry Markets:
The idea of businesses competing for profit, you can't go there.


In Ancient China's Feudal System, which person or group of people was at the top of the hierarchy?



Random Question!

Which Kingdom comes after the Sukhothai Kingdom but before the Rattanakosin Kingdom?

Ayutthaya Kingdom


Which district is our school in? 



What is the biggest difference between Judaism and Christianity?

Christianity includes the New Testament, which focuses on Jesus' life and teachings whereas Judaism relies solely on the Hebrew Scriptures, known as the Old testament in Christianity.


What are the three special banks in Thailand?

Government Savings Bank

G H Banks

Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives