Describe the picture
Fill in the blank
Find the mistake
Translate the sentence
Add S, ES or IES

Describe the picture using the present simple.

1 sentence

Example: The students are happy. 

There is a picture of a lion .

They are in a classroom.


The children __________ (play) in the park every Tuesday.

The children __play___ (play) in the park every Tuesday.


The English books am on the table. The bag is beside the table.

The English books __are__ on the table. The bag is beside the table.


החתולים אוכלים טונה כל יום.

The cats eat tuna every day.


I wash. She ______.

I drink. He ______.

I wash. She _washes_.

I drink. He _drinks_.


Describe the picture using the present simple.

2 sentences

Example: The students are happy. 

There is a picture of a lion .

They are in a classroom.


Shira and Ella __________ (to be, NO) in the classroom.

Shira and Ella __are not / aren’t__ (to be, NO) in the classroom.


My father are a doctor. He work in a hospital.

My father __is__ a doctor. He _works_ in a hospital.


היא הולכת למיטה בשעה 10.

She goes to bed at 10 o’clock.


I go. He _____.

We say. She _____.

I go. He _goes_.

We say. She _says_.


Describe the picture using the present simple.

3 sentences

Example: The students are in the classroom.

There is a green toy truck.

A boy paints a flower.


My sister __________ (cry) when she _________ (to be) scared.

My sister __cries__ (cry) when she ___is___ (to be) scared.


I and my sister always eat eggs for breakfast. We likes waffles too!

__My sister and I__ always eat eggs for breakfast. We __like__ waffles too!


הקוף מטפס על עצים ואוכל בננות כל יום.

The monkey climbs trees and eats bananas every day.


They dance. She ______.

I fly. It ______.

They dance. She _dances_.

I fly. It _flies__.


Describe the picture using the present simple.

4 sentences

Example: The students are in the classroom.

There is a green toy truck.

A boy paints a flower.


His mom always _______ (kisses) his before her ______(go) to bed.

His mom always __kisses__ (kiss) him before he ___goes__(go) to bed.


She not is tired but I am. Is you tired too? Can we goes to bed?

She __is not__ tired but I am. __Are__ you tired too? Can we __go__ to bed?


דגים שוחים, קופים מטפסים ופנדות אוכלות עלים.

Fish swim, monkeys climb and pandas eat leaves.


You miss. He _____.

They wash. She ______.

I fix. She ______.

You miss. He _misses_.

They wash. She _washes_.

I fix. She _fixes_.


Describe the picture using the present simple.

4 sentences

Example: A girl sits at the table. She has an eraser. A boy talks to the teacher. A girl draws with a yellow marker. 


My brother _____ (to be, NO) a student. He ______ (work) at a store and he _____ (fix) computers.

My brother __is not / isn’t___ (to be, NO) a student. He __works__ (work) at a store and he __fixes___ (fix) computers.


It are sunny today. The children play and eats ice cream. They is not sad. They am happy.

It _is_ sunny today. The children play and _eat_ ice cream. They _are_ not sad. They _are_ happy.


אני מאכילה את הכלב שלי כל בוקר. הוא תמיד רעב. הוא אוהב גבינה.

I feed my dog every morning. He is always hungry. He likes cheese.


They fish. He _____.

You catch. It _____.

We cry. She _____.

They fish. He _fishes_.

You catch. It _catches_.

We cry. She _cries_.