Primary Vs Secondary Sources
Contributions by Immigrants
Push and Pull Factors for Canadian Settlers

Communities in Canada
Inuit Communities

What are primary sources? 

Primary sources are sources that usually originates from the time period and gives raw information.


The first country to colonize on Canadian land was _________.



What is displacement?

The act of forcing someone to leave their home/homeland


Mirvish Construction is planning on building large condominiums in the "Blackhurst" community, an area in Toronto with many black-owned businesses and homes. 

Why might the locals not want these new condos? (There can be more than one answer) 

-Expensive new buildings will demolish smaller black-owned businesses

-More expensive condos are usually bought by rich tenants, which will mean that surrounding prices for things will increase

-Lots of history and culture in the area could be erased with new buildings


Based on the map "Inuit Traditional Territories", what Inuit territory is the largest?



What are secondary sources?

Secondary sources interpret and analyze primary sources, often to combine together into larger texts.


Name a pull factor that brought English and French colonists to Canada (there's more than one answer) 

- There was overcrowding in Europe and sending settlers to the "New World" freed up resources.

-The land was seen as "uninhabited" or unclaimed, so each country wanted to claim it for themselves.

-Resources in Canada were very valuable


What is asylum? 

Protection given to someone seeking a safe place after leaving their home country.


What were the English and French fighting over during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham?

Control over New France (Montreal and Quebec City area) 


Based on the map "Inuit Traditional Territories", what Inuit territory is the smallest?



A website is an example of a ____________ source.



In the video we watched, how did Nam feel when she first arrived in Canada? Give an example from the video. 

Nam stated that she experienced a lot of cultural differences and not all of her experiences were positive. 

-Not knowing certain things about Canadian culture, like wearing PJs to school or putting ketchup with chocolate cake


In the video we watched, why did the Garmianys move to Canada? 

They were refugees who left their country because it was not safe anymore.


What two things did the BC government do the Japanese Canadians during WWII? 

-They searched their fishing boats, trying to find evidence of spying for the Japanese government

-Japanese men were imprisoned in internment camps for 3 years


What is permafrost?

Soil that stays frozen all year except in the summer. Even in the summer only the very top layer of permafrost soil thaws.


Clothing is an example of a ___________ resource.



What did the Canadian teachers tell Nam not to do while at school?

Speak her native language (so she could learn English faster) 


How did Lili connect to the grandfather of the Garmianys, even when she couldn't speak his language? 

She played chess with him.

After the English won at the Plains of Abraham, they decided to change the __________ of the region.



What are some of the challenges that Inuit communities face living in Northern Canada? (more than one answer)

-Resources in this region are difficult to find and get

-Sun never setting or no sun at all - can affect your sleep and well-being

-Persistent cold - even in the summer, temperatures do not get high (around 5-10 degrees)

-Fruits and vegetables - can’t grow outside, will need a greenhouse with a heater


BONUS: What was the English general's name? (we have something around Kingston named after him!)

General Wolfe (Wolfe Island is named after him)