Define Empathy?
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes, being aware of how someone else feels and sharing in that feeling with them.
True or False: You are in control of your emotions.
Name 2 ways we could feel Anger in our bodies?
Feeling hot, sweating, clenched fists, shaky, fast breathing, etc.
True or False: There is good and bad food.
False! Food is food. Fuel is best.
What hockey team does Ms. Gibson cheer for?
The Calgary Flames! (Yes I know they're not very good and the Oilers did better)
What is a personal strength and give an example of one?
Something you are good at. Examples: Artistic, Athletic, Compassionate, Leader, etc.
What is resilience?
The ability to bounce back from your problems.
Name 4 of the Basic Emotions?
Anger, Surprise, Sadness, Happiness, Fear and Disgust.
What does Healthy Eating mean?
Eating a variety of foods, staying hydrated, cooking/preparing a meal, eating with loved ones, eating when you are hungry, stopping when you are full, eating things that make you happy!
What is Ms. Gibson's first name?
What is the negativity bias?
Our brain automatically thinks negatively to keep us safe.
What three parts of the brain did we learn about?
Amygdala (Guard Dog), Prefrontal Cortex (Wise Owl) and Hippocampus (Elephant).
How is sympathy different from empathy?
Sympathy is feeling sorry that someone is feeling and experiencing something. Empathy is experiencing that feeling with someone and joining them where they are.
How can you help yourself if you struggle with test anxiety?
Ask for help, practice/study, get a good sleep, fuel your body and mind, size of the problem, positive thinking, etc.
What other school does Ms. Gibson work at?
Pigeon Lake Regional School
Name 3 qualities of a good friendship?
Kindness, Supportive, Loyal, Respectful, Honesty, Trust, etc.
What is a ThoughtHole?
A thinking error. Our brain has a lot to think about to it often blocks things out, which can lead to misinterpretation or misunderstandings.
Why is positive self-talk important?
It helps us learn, make better decisions, treat ourselves and others more kindly, and be better problem solvers.
What are the 4 kinds of anxiety?
Academic, General, Physical and Social.
What is Ms. Gibson's favourite drink?
Tea (Earl Grey, especially!)
What are the 4 different kinds of communication?
Assertive, Aggressive, Passive and Passive Aggressive
What does the E.T.R. Model stand for?
Emotion --> Thought --> Reaction
What three animals represent the 3 different kinds of conflict styles?
Turtle, Owl and Shark.
Remember the What's In Your Lunch worksheet we did? What were the two categories you had to put your lunch items into?
Nutrient dense and Less nutrient dense.
Where did Ms. Gibson go to University?
The University of Calgary (Go Dino's!)