
This term refers to things that are inherently najis, meaning they are always impure in their essence.

ʿayn an-najis


The number of steps a person should walk on clean, dry earth for their shoes to become ṭāhir after stepping on something najis.

15 steps


his term refers to the intention made when performing tayammum.



What is the first step in performing ghusl at-tartībī?

Washing the head and neck.


Why do Muslims face the Kaʿbah when they pray?

Muslims face the Kaʿbah to show submission to Allah and because it symbolizes Allah’s “house,” helping them get closer to Him.


The only way to make your hand ṭāhir after it comes in contact with blood.

Washing it with water


This condition must be met for the sun to make a surface ṭāhir after the najāsah is removed.

The surface must remain wet and dry directly under the sun's rays (not by wind).


This is the required order of actions when performing tayammum.

The required order of actions is called tartīb.


Can you perform ghusl in water that is not pure (ṭāhir)?

No, the water must be pure (muṭlaq) and ritually pure (ṭāhir) for ghusl to be valid.


What does the Kaʿbah symbolize in Islam?

The Kaʿbah symbolizes monotheism and was built by Prophet Ibrāhīm (ʿa), representing belief in one God.


A required condition, besides using a sharp knife, for an animal to be slaughtered in a ḥalāl way.

Facing the qiblah


This is what happens to the container that was made najis by boiling grapes into wine when the wine later turns into vinegar. What happends to the container?

The container becomes ṭāhir.


If the parts of the body used for tayammum are covered or contain najis elements, the tayammum will be this.

If the body parts are covered or contain najis elements, the tayammum will be void.


How is ghusl al-irtimāsī performed?

By submerging the entire body, including the hair, under water.


How does facing the Kaʿbah promote unity among Muslims?

It creates equality among Muslims, as all Muslims, regardless of status, face the same direction during prayer, promoting unity and brotherhood/sisterhood.


According to most marājiʿ, including Āyatullāh Khamenei and Āyatullāh Sistani, these two religious groups are considered ṭāhir despite being non-Muslim.

Jews and Christians (Ahl al-Kitāb)


This is the reason blood inside a mosquito that has fed on a human becomes ṭāhir over time.

Because the human blood transforms into food for the mosquito and is no longer considered the same substance.


This is the substance that is used first when performing tayammum.

The substance used first when performing tayammum is earth/soil.


What is one condition for ghusl to be valid?

The water must be pure (muṭlaq) and ritually pure (ṭāhir).


What should you do if you don’t know the direction of the qiblah while praying on a plane?

If you don't know the direction of the qiblah while on a plane, you should pray in a direction you believe is most likely the qiblah. You can look on the screen or ask a flight attendant for help. If you later realize that your direction was more than 45 degrees away from the correct qiblah, you should pray again if there’s still time. If the prayer time has passed, it is better to pray again but not obligatory.


The ingredient that, according to Āyatullāh Sistani, is still ḥalāl in cake when used in tiny amounts because it virtually disappears in the batter.

Vanilla extract


What happens when wine turns into vinegar, making it ṭāhir even though wine is najis?

The wine undergoes a fundamental transformation into vinegar, a new substance, which makes it ṭāhir.


This is the action that must follow immediately after wiping the forehead during tayammum.

After wiping the forehead, the next action is to wipe the back of the right hand with the left hand.


Name three mustaḥab (recommended) ghusls in Islam.

Ghusl for Friday (Ghusl al-Jumuʿah), ghusl for Laylat ul-Qadr, and ghusl for Eid ul-Fiṭr and Eid ul-ʿAḍḥā.


What are the conditions for praying on a plane in terms of standing and sajdah?

When praying on a plane, you must fulfill the conditions of ṣalāh, which include qiyām (standing) and doing sajdah on the ground. You can ask the flight attendant for space to pray in the back of the plane. If they do not allow it, you may pray in your seat, but you still have to stand when possible.